challenge requirements. ¤
Type: Original . ¤
Context: Based on the following image:
¤ Specifications: The extension will be of 535 words. As usual, only allowed a margin of error a single word (unless, 534, more, 536).
To make things easier. To maintain order, the challenges of the same perosnas must be on one line. That is: You leave your first challenge and the next, give reply to your first comment. The details are as follows: ¤
Subjet: Author Nick . ¤
Title: is optional. The story may or may not have title. ¤
Link: The address of the site which have risen to the challenge. ¤
Warnings: Specify if the story has some kind of warning, either gender, type of partners, etc. ¤
Words: In few words has the story. ¤
Summary: is also optional. Some very short stories may not have the summary. But it always helps to attract readers.
¤ Publication Date: Day that was published the story.
Note: Remember, for the moment, the challenges remain unlimited.
¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ¤ ~ ¤
¤ Author :
¤ Title: "The Stand" falls short.
¤ Warnings: None . ¤
Words: 535. ¤
Summary: Throughout that day, regenianos lived on the border between life and another, between irony and truth, but nobody noticed.
¤ Publication Date: June 17.
¤ Title: Cruel Reality. ¤
Warnings: Spoiler Natsumi's past. ¤
Words: 535. ¤
Summary: Unfortunately, that is your really small and you have to learn to live with it. ¤
Publication Date: June 18 .
¤ Title: One says white and the other says Black. ¤
Warnings: No, I think. ¤
Words: 536. ¤
Summary: Joscelin does draw analogies from two of her friends. ¤
Publication Date: June 18 .
¤ Title: Your more work.
¤ Warnings: Bobo (?)
¤ Words: 536. ¤
Summary: He said this was his best BOUT, the greatest of all time. According to them, he should pay more attention to things. ¤
Publication Date: June 23 .
¤ Title: His greatest pain.
¤ Warnings: For the sweatshirt, this is a big spoiler, but also can be nothing, by the fact that this medium is explained in the introduction.
¤ Words: 536.
¤ Abstract: There was a time when the Earth did not stop raining and the race had begun to forget that the sun existed.
¤ Día de publicación: 23 de Junio.
¤ Título: Más que una fantasía.
¤ Advertencias: Uhm... ¿Spoiler de SSN? (xDU)
¤ Palabras: 536.
¤ Abstract: is a simple book, you know. It is a simple story, he understands. But the fact that writing on paper does not mean it can not be real. Anyway, what they lose by trying?
¤ Publication Date: June 23.
Portrait. ¤ Warnings: ¤ Author :
¤ Title: What she said.
¤ Warnings: None.
¤ Words: 535.
¤ Abstract: Priscilla constantly talks about things that have no bases, but David is always listening.
¤ Publication Date: June 18.
¤ Title: very innocent.
¤ Warnings: None.
¤ Words: 536.
¤ Abstract: always wanted to leave the field. Did you hear my warning?
¤ Day publicación: 23 de Junio.
¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ¤
¤ Author :
¤ Title: "The Stand" falls short.
¤ Warnings: None . ¤
Words: 535. ¤
Summary: Throughout that day, regenianos lived on the border between life and another, between irony and truth, but nobody noticed.
¤ Publication Date: June 17.
¤ Author : ¤ Title: Cruel Reality. ¤
Warnings: Spoiler Natsumi's past. ¤
Words: 535. ¤
Summary: Unfortunately, that is your really small and you have to learn to live with it. ¤
Publication Date: June 18 .
¤ Title: One says white and the other says Black. ¤
Warnings: No, I think. ¤
Words: 536. ¤
Summary: Joscelin does draw analogies from two of her friends. ¤
Publication Date: June 18 .
¤ Title: Your more work.
¤ Warnings: Bobo (?)
¤ Words: 536. ¤
Summary: He said this was his best BOUT, the greatest of all time. According to them, he should pay more attention to things. ¤
Publication Date: June 23 .
¤ Title: His greatest pain.
¤ Warnings: For the sweatshirt, this is a big spoiler, but also can be nothing, by the fact that this medium is explained in the introduction.
¤ Words: 536.
¤ Abstract: There was a time when the Earth did not stop raining and the race had begun to forget that the sun existed.
¤ Día de publicación: 23 de Junio.
¤ Título: Más que una fantasía.
¤ Advertencias: Uhm... ¿Spoiler de SSN? (xDU)
¤ Palabras: 536.
¤ Abstract: is a simple book, you know. It is a simple story, he understands. But the fact that writing on paper does not mean it can not be real. Anyway, what they lose by trying?
¤ Publication Date: June 23.
¤ Author : ¤ Title: What she said.
¤ Warnings: None.
¤ Words: 535.
¤ Abstract: Priscilla constantly talks about things that have no bases, but David is always listening.
¤ Publication Date: June 18.
¤ Title: very innocent.
¤ Warnings: None.
¤ Words: 536.
¤ Abstract: always wanted to leave the field. Did you hear my warning?
¤ Day publicación: 23 de Junio.
¤ Total Challenges: 1 0.
¤ New Users: 1.
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