Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cube Field Addicting Games

Challenge No. 3 - Olympic Game [19/08-25/08]

¤ Type: Original . ¤

Olympics have total freedom to play with it. There are a variety of eras, countries, sports and followers on the topic, researching a little ( Wikipedia has an article on simple and practical to review , but we encourage también a buscar más allá), es posible obtener una muy buena cantidad de recursos.
¤ Especificaciones: Su extensión deberá ser de entre 400 y 500 palabras.

Sus retos deben contener los siguientes datos:

¤ Título:
Es opcional. El relato puede o no tener título.
¤ Link:
La dirección del sitio al cual han subido el reto.
¤ Advertencias:
Se especificará si la historia tiene algún tipo de advertencia, ya sea de género, de tipo de parejas, etc.
¤ Palabras:
In few words has the story. ¤
is also optional. Some very short stories may not have the summary. But it always helps to attract readers.
¤ Publication Date:
Day that was published the story.

In the last hours of delivery, passed the entrance to "just friends" if you need someone to add, please tell me via the forum for the add;).

¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ¤

¤ Author: [info] standers

¤ Title: Untitled
¤ Caveats:
¤ Words: 400
¤ Summary : The disappointment felt by many to not achieving your goals can be devastating, but it can always be a light at the end of the tunnel. ¤
Release Date: August 22

¤ Title: Untitled
¤ Caveats:
¤ Words: 469
¤ Resumen: La decepción que sienten muchos al no lograr sus metas puede ser devastador, pero siempre puede existir una luz al final del túnel.
¤ Día de publicación: 22 de Agosto

¤ Autor: [info] kmiya

¤ Título: Un sueño
¤ Advertencias: Primera persona (?)
¤ Palabras: 464.
¤ Resumen: No tiene.
¤ Día de publicación: 25 de Agosto, 2008.

¤ Título: Imprevisto.
¤ Advertencias: Ehm... no puedo decirlo, because it would end spoiler, but let's say that this is dramatic / angst (?) (I think 'based on a true') ¤
Words: 500. ¤
Summary: None. ¤
Release Date: August 25, 2008. ¤

Title: Only a Dream
¤ Warnings: None. ¤
Words: 402
¤ Summary: None. ¤
Release Date: August 25, 2008. ¤

Title: Olympic Cheerleaders! ¤
Warnings: Blashing two of the characters. ¤
Words: 477 ¤
Summary: None. ¤
Release Date: August 25, 2008.

¤ Title: Something you did not know. ¤
Notes: Something I did not know Jo (?)
¤ Words: 438
¤ Summary: None. ¤
Release Date: August 25, 2008. ¤

Author: [info] saki_riddle

¤ Title: Memories in sepia
¤ Notes: Based on facts real (?). ¤
Words: 404
¤ Release Date: August 22.

¤ Author: [info] ophelia_999

¤ Title: The Best. ¤
Warnings: No
¤ Words: 439
¤ Abstract: The glory and gold. It was all her. ¤
Release Date: August 25, 2008. ¤

Title: is a matter of honor.
¤ Warnings: No. ¤
Words: 490
¤ Summary: More than it does for the honor. ¤
Release Date: August 25, 2008. ¤

Author: [info] kirscheh

¤ Title: human? I think not
¤ Warnings: No.
¤ Words: 408
¤ Release Date: August 22.

Retos: 11
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