Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pain In Right Side With Impetigo

"El Dolor de una guerra" - HeraY

¤ Title: The pain of a war. ¤
Author: Héray. ¤
Warnings: None. ¤
Words: 505. ¤
Summary: Too many people around, too many victims.

The pain of a war.


The smell reached their nostrils was sickening and horrible feeling sick leave was not allowed even a second. His hand rested on his mouth while the other did it on his side where a bullet had pierced his battered skin.


His vision was torture. Thousands of soldiers lying in their path lay, inert and lifeless bodies. Avoided looking at their faces, those of its partners and allies, those of its enemies, everyone. Avoided looking arms that held as her only lifeline, and avoided looking at the houses destroyed by each of them, where until recently, happy families had lived there, wondering what in store for them the next day.


The memory of his parents, his girlfriend and his friends came to his mind from time to time, giving you the feeling of not being separated from them ever, not having seen their tears and have felt your hugs on the day they decided to leave to serve the army of his country.
Time seemed to follow his feelings.

clouds had turned gray and the air was stifling, but maybe it was because of the immense amount of powder to be inhaled during those busy days.

searching, searching for seconds, minutes, perhaps hours, never know. Sought the silhouette of a friend, an ally or perhaps any survivors, nothing. It was impossible, too many people around, too victims.

pressed with your bare hand side wound, which kept the blood pumping. Without being able to help with breathing and slumped on the floor, his hands leaning on him to not falter. His fingers touched the pool of bright red, but was sure he did not belong to him, but the body was a few inches, it could not discern his face, as increasingly seen failed him again, going from blurry to almost complete darkness.

Finally, he lay down gently on the ground, regardless of their blood to mix with others, or that his green clothes happen to be red. I could have sworn, that nothing in this world cared.

Except, perhaps, a promise he had promised to carry out a few months.

-come back, right? "The question was not taken by surprise, it had been waiting for many days, since he had announced departure.

"Yes, I touched his tearful expression. Wanted to assure it would be nice, would fight with pride, defending their country, though he knew that for her, those words would ring hollow and empty, would not mind.

- Do you promise?

"I promise.

The tears began to flow down her cheeks, and at no time made an attempt to contain them. Had not fulfilled its promise. It imagine the sadness in his face and felt the urgent need to get up and go after him. His body did not respond, and a wrenching sob, waited for his death, for his country.


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