Title: Society of Thorns.
Chapter: Three of Three.
Genre: Mystery , police.
Words: 3.186 (the cap).
Raiting: T.
Warnings: Character Death , hypocrisy and Aptar things for that kind of society and culture (?).
Notes: been hard, but here esta el trabajo de los Pajayunos.
En un mundo donde todo es perfecto, donde todos deben tener la vida que se espera para ellos, la muerte llega a destapar los más oscuros y retorcidos secretos. Un hombre, encargado de solucionar el misterio, termina por descubrir algo que cambiará la vida de más de uno.
Control de Capitulos: I Parte , II Parte , III Parte .
Tercer Capítulo
- Would you like a cup of tea? Asked the maid, who despite being in years, seemed to have a life beyond her age. Mr. Smith declined the offer with a hand gesture with a smile.
"You've done enough, thanks.
Just hanging and firing Jean, had set sail for Mirelle's house. This was not at that time, so it had taken to make a few questions to the servants in search of answers that will help your research, without much success.
His gaze swept the room Mirelle. Everything was very orderly and overly neat, for his taste. To his right was a small table, where lay several sheets of paper either placed on top of each other, and beside him, a bottle of ink with a pen that seemed to be worth more than a month salary. But what struck him most of all he had in that room, was the background picture, which rested on the mantelpiece. Approached slowly, watching him critically. It featured a middle-aged man with a mustache and a cane in his right hand, his bearing was aristocratic and elegant.
"It's Mr. William L.
Misther Smith heard the name on the lips of the maid, but not turned, still staring at the table.
"I'd better go," he said finally his eyes away from those of William L. Gaudiere, and going to the table. He dipped his pen in ink and began to write. Reviewing his last cursive handwriting captured on paper, went away.
- Why are we called? "Asked Pierre, leaning against one of the four walls were Mr. Smith's office.
―Sí, ¿ha averiguado algo? ―Preguntó, inmediatamente después, la delicada Mirelle.
Jean dio un paso hacia delante, impaciente por saber que es lo que tenía que decir Mister Smith. Éste observó a su alrededor, dándose cuenta al instante de que faltaba una de las personas que había convocado para reunirse en la comisaría, Rebecca. Desvió la mirada
―¿Sabéis?, a veces me pregunto por qué sigo aquí ―dijo, sin prestar attention to the puzzled faces of the assembled.
he began to speak, he felt he could not stop. Lately he was very wrong, hardly saw his wife and each time he felt more alone, surrounded by people but not to be. He said he initially was not interested in the case, then all would be one more murder unsolved in your file, but seeing the photo of the fragile Alice could not help but be in charge of it. See that girl lying on the ground had thus moved a sense, divided between pity and protection, within it. However, time was becoming increasingly disheartened to see that there was progress, that the case was unchanged and that the enigma of the death of Alice seemed to never end, but a pretty interesting data that had been pulled at any time the towel:
- So they sent a note signed with the name of Jean to mislead and because Alice never knew that it would disregard a call. Daisy probably out of the idea of Alice to the cabin.
-Alice was curious about the place, Mirelle confirms.
Daisy "But that night was not the place. An unfortunate event happened to her father and she had to go to hospital.
"Maybe it happened the first time, "said Mr. Smith.
"The feet can be of some lad who was to leave the objects for the joke.
"Perhaps that teach them not to be hovering in unsafe places, ladies.
were observed each other, wondering how anyone could have had the nerve to hurt a girl as sweet as Alice. Jean became his hand into a fist, cursing the time when Alice had entered "
"It's a shame that all end up like this," muttered Pierre.
"Yes ... "Corroborated Mirelle, who by his frail, seemed to collapse from one moment to another.
"It's all a matter of fate," replied Mr. Smith.
silence for a moment, a silence that was interrupted by Mirelle.
"I must go, kept his head down and his voice sounded muffled. Pierre immediately took pity on her and, with a strong "I'll walk" , said goodbye to each other with a brief gesture, as he passed his arm around the back of Mirelle and helped her out of there. Jean held the doorknob from your fingers before it was closed, he stepped out, ready to get out of that office also, but before closing the door behind her, gave her a last look at the detective, Mr. Smith look back and shared. Finally, he went away, leaving him alone in a sea of thoughts.
opened the door somewhat worn and corroded, it screamed desperate, poorly oiled hinges. The stale air mixed with smell of coffee, ink, tobacco and vanilla, entered his body, drunk. Walked, strode up to a table near a wall. The place was dimly lit, giving a touch almost gloomy, almost every table was occupied by one person and most furiously scribbling on a paper or looking at nothing, looking for who knows why: the ideal place for the artist seeking his muse , for the silence, tranquility and the shadows gave free rein to the imagination and, there, the best works were beginning to arm themselves in these minds full de sueños y pesadillas.
Miró hacia la parte de atrás: esperándolo estaba un joven cubierto por una bufanda y por las alas del sombrero de copa alta, de color oscuro, mostrando ninguna porción de piel, no dejando al azar algo. Se dirigió hacia allí, corrió wooden chair, painted beautifully, and sat down.
; be scrutinized in silence for a few seconds, keeping track of any movement outside, waiting and looking for the right words.
"Good evening, Mr. Smith greeted a voice coming from the dark folds of fabric. Smith looked even more intently, trying to find something that he knew was there, while his eyes remained cold and still in what should be the face of her companion.
"Good night, my lord," replied, dryly. I just want to steal a few minutes of your time, but for that, do not walk around the bush, do not you think? The young man just nodded. He seemed uncomfortable, yet, at home. The topic has led me to accept his invitation was the recent death occurs outside the city, in a cabin ...
"The murder of Alice, you say," ventured , slowly moving his head to the left.
"Exactly. In fact, finding the culprit was not difficult, but understanding the case ... I admit it was their conflict. More than anything, and I know you can help me with this, on the master secret the cabin.
"The owner of the hut, as I said, something delicate and misleads the majority, with the owner a woman whose maiden name is no longer known and abandoned by the need to inhabit areas with higher values. Laurent surname hardly remember, but in the eccentricities of William was signed and filed with the surname of his mother. After there all becomes clear: who owns this place is you. I have come to know the truth, Lord Young.
"Actually, Mr. Smith, has a high price. And is that you must pay-claimed beating. First tell me the truth, and I'll tell you mine.
Smith looked at him with what seemed to hate, but did not come to that emotion. He grunted, annoyed, sighed, defeated by the curious and began:
-At first, my career promised wealth and often intriguing, real challenges, I was looking for. When Warm yourself to appear in front of me these great mysteries, I was in my room: it was successful, a prodigy, smart, strong and handsome. My life was perfect, except that he did not know love. Shortly after I met her, beautiful and happy, we fell in love with passion, one day we were married. Could not be happier.
"But not everything is pink, do not say so the saying? The young man nodded, inviting him to continue. I loved my job, but I never raised much, and if exceeded the love for my wife. However, that does not worry me, my career was on the rise. But I ate a lot of my time, almost neglecting my family. Worst of all my mistakes. One day, returning home, she was not. I fell into depression, but I forced myself not to drop my performance. My wife had gone for my lack of attention, and I knew it. Soon, again asking for help.
"Knowing that the mistake was mine also, I agreed, aware of another factor, which was reported to reach me in tears: she was pregnant. I agreed, as I said, defeated. I have to admit, the value I gave my wife decreased substantially thus hardly respected.
"I wanted a boy, so in the end, the two we won," he said bitterly. At nine months, gave birth. I could not be in childbirth, for I was out of town for work. Another thing that had escaped me because of it. Upon returning, I discovered he was the father of a beautiful girl, sweet and smiling. My wife was overjoyed. While this was going on him when I inquired, trying to figure out the identity of the real father and why she did not want contact. Then I did not know: I was fond of the girl and the father again, there was scope for claiming it and therefore I lost my only distraction from work. I promised to take care and love, how you would do if she was not with me?
"Shortly after his birth, on returning home, I found that she had visited: a Count and his wife were there.
»Nuestra hija, Alexandra y se había convertido en una hermosa señorita. A pesar de ello, y del cariño que le profesábamos a la niña, mi matrimonio empeoraba. Decidimos, por último, abandonarlo y nos inclinamos por el divorcio.
―Alexandra y Alice, hermanas gemelas que nunca se conocieron, ¿verdad? Triste historia ―comentó el joven.
Smith nodded absently, thinking of the tragic fate of the two girls. Following his line of thought, the Lord asked
"But it is already behind bars the murderer of Alice, why are you still investigating the issue?
-John could do was the murderer of Alice, because that night the "Forest Murderer" killed another girl, on the other side of town: Alexandra Smith. Quizás el modus operandi de los dos asesinatos es parecido, pero no pudo hacer sido el asesino de Alice, no es el mismo al pie de la letra. John, por su parte, no tendría el valor para realizar tal acto. Su turno ―dijo, mientras su rictus serio se volvía a clavar en el rostro del joven que tenía al frente, cediéndole la palabra. El Lord sólo suspiró, miró a la nada, buscando qué decir correctamente, y empezó:
"No, it is a place full of gossip of the worst and lowest, a doomed of all virtues. Satine, for example, has a habit of stealing items of high value and visual appeal, to stay: a prize, they say, Claire, meanwhile, is telling the details most humiliating, disgusting and sinful of the members
"I will not deny," he continued, after a break of some seconds, after spitting venom
"She always went to unexpected places and secrets, so I decided to investigate where he was going and what he did. So I came to the city, where he saw was John Alexander. I thought Pierre blatantly deceived with that John, but then I realized that Alice and Alexandra was not the same person. I kept investigating. Now, I can say without a shadow of doubt, where every night was that he was not at home: he went, without a doubt and silence, to the house of Jean. Harassed by curiosity, I asked again, to the extent to peek through the window to know. I found "her voice became suddenly and mysteriously leaving the beginning, in a flooded sucks so strong that it seemed he would vomit at any moment-that in fact, had a love affair with Jean. How dare he, the unclean?! Touching a woman! Sacrilege! She exclaimed, with hatred but without raising his voice. A whore, a fucking lesbian, gay with instincts and horrible as low. Sin of the worst, most horrible. You know well that the Holy Church
»Además, la maldita obscena, tenía el descaro de burlarse de Pierre, diciéndole a Jean, con el único objetivo ridiculizarlo, que aunque estuviese ella unida en Santo Matrimonio, atada a un esposo, seguirían con su sucio amor en secreto. Lo entiendo, claro que sí, que la mayoría tienen amantes a pensar de estar unidos a una pareja por siempre, bajo la bendición de Dios, pero Alice, impúdica y arpía, planeaba burlarse de Pierre, lastimarle de la manera more disgraceful, as he put all his efforts to please him, took his face, exasperated and angry, then added with pain: "It was not fair. I know he is not a saint, but well deserved. Damn! How come you never told me anything?
Silence took place between them. All that was perceived was breathing somewhat agitated Lord.
- What I can offer for his silence? He asked, after a few seconds, sounding tired. Smith looked at him, scrutinizing fiercely, but knowing what to ask specifically, it was what he wanted from the beginning.
-A boon, my young Lord, a favor will be sufficient, "he said slowly, looking for something somehow betraying his party.
- What is that please? "He asked, immediately, as he stared from the shadows of his hat.
-Files for the murder of my daughter will be sufficient, under guard, because the kingdom does not want people to panic fester.
"But the hand of a noble, which ensures the hermetic silence, you can get to these files without mishap.
-El directly involved in the death of my beloved daughter is about to die on the gallows, "he said, bitterly. He did not have the desire to bring them home safely, when in fact he was the guilty that she was there, it was he who forced her to go to the cabin, even though she no longer wanted to continue his relationship with him, but he had extorted saying tell him to bite that she was a nobody and was delivered at a low price. In honor of his family, he did.
"She had come to tell their separation was final, he could say anything he wanted, I explained in a letter that arrived a few days ago. John loved the girl and said it intends to give the best; but that is not the same as doing "he said, grimly. He was calm, he added, an honest worker, but mediocre: I was going to choke on their ideas as little progressive and liberal. One night, while returning from a date, he slapped her because she had made fun of his little knowledge of literary-exemplified, as he smiled with what looked like pride. That's when she realized that was not what I wanted, not that detract from the working people, but should keep an open mind. I raised to make it better every day. He was not the murderer, but was the cause. Can you judge me for being a parent so human that taught his daughter that will always be something better and that I should look? He asked the air.
- What about Alice? He asked, with curiosity, the young man.
forgave -Rose, my wife, for their mistakes, forgive mine and tried to amend them, but I can not forget the sin. Someday, you will settle accounts, young Lord replied, mysteriously.
"Maybe, maybe, played down the issue with an unwilling shake his gloved right hand.
-on its promise to open the files ... "Mr. Smith fumbled.
"The will tomorrow morning, I give my word," he said solemnly. Good evening, Mr. Smith-waved.
ran a little his chair, stood up, he reached out to Smith and retreated slowly. The detective looked at his shoes and smiled, and these were too small to belong to a young man was very large and square toes.
"Good night, Lady Mirelle. End