Monday, May 26, 2008

Littles Pet Schop Tamagotchi

"Company de Espinas" - Segundo Capítulo

Title: Society of Thorns.
Chapter: Two of Three.
Genre: Mystery , police.
Words: 3.698 (the cap).
Raiting: T.
Warnings: Character Death , hypocrisy and Aptar things for that kind of society and culture (?).
Notes: been hard, but here is the work of Pajayunos.
: Contents:
In a world where everything is perfect, where everyone should have the life that is waiting for them, death comes to uncover the darker and twisted secrets. A man charged with solving the mystery, he finally discovered something that will change the lives of more than one.

Chapters Control: Part I , Part II, Part III .

Second Chapter

frequently visited the police station by their work, for this reason the police officers asked him many questions before letting go. He sought his cell where he would suspect, and walking a few steps, leaving other cells with other criminals who did not miss the opportunity to insult him, finally found it.

The man was awake, sitting on a mattress patching with a white sheet completely dirty and with different costs, need a new sewing, if they cared to do so.

Upon entering, John lifted his head, just noticing their presence. Dry voice greeted him as he stood in front of him.

"Good morning, Mister Smith. He was surprised to hear the voice so appeased. I have not seen him, how have you been?

"Well, lad," he said. And how has your day?

"Oh, wonderful," agreed John with a look sorry for his gesture of disbelief. Is that here everything is very quiet, and the place is pretty nice. My neighbors do not bother me, even with the cries that spring night.

How anyone could see his approval to the closure of four walls? Without doubt, it was too weird.

"I have a long time, cut it, given that John would praise his recent home. I would like you to tell me the truth about Miss Alice.

"Sorry, I do not know. Is it new in the neighborhood? Do you want to rent my old room? My sister could give a good price ...

"I speak of the dead girl-cut again, without being angry for allegedly Jhon nerve.

"My God, poor girl. Do not know how I feel ... "And in truth seemed to feel it. Shyly, John dared to ask, "Was it something you?

"I still appropriate," he conceded. Will you be taking your hair or was some kind of amnesia? -. And that is why I'm here. You were found on the scene with a knife ...

The change that occurred in John was so dramatic and obvious.

-I killed her, stabbing a dagger in the heart, "he confessed in a voice gone, his eyes staring narrowed. He tried to dig a little deeper, but he said it without emotion.

-John, I want to help, "he said, when the man lowered his head without actually hear his words.

-I killed her ...

Both were silent, in an awkward silence that lasted up to seem like hours. She watched him carefully, looking for any change in his behavior, but was interrupted when John returned to raise his head and was surprised to see it.

—Oh, buenos días, Mister Smith. Hace tiempo que no le veía, ¿cómo ha estado?

El siguiente intercambio de palabras lo llevó al mismo punto. Tuvo que desistir al ser evidente de que de Jhon no lograría sacar más información. Se despidió de él, dejándolo en su celda.


Había regresado a la ciudad en donde vivió Alice. Fue nuevamente en la hermandad, para interrogar a sus conocidos en busca de nuevos datos. Frente a él se encontraba otra chica de la hermandad, quien no había sido entrevistada hasta ahora gracias a que se encontraba de viaje fuera de la ciudad, en un pueblo cercano en donde visitaba a la tía que había dado birth. He had been willing to tell everything he knew, but rather a criticism of all Pierre. The young man, so perfect in his luxurious mansion, he displayed a few flaws that those closest to Alice could not stand. But the point was in "Alice not stand him?

When I asked the girl squirmed in her seat as if he had waited anxiously question. He bowed to him in confidence, and confessed in a whisper:

-Alice, overcoats. There were times when I could not see or painting, but had to continue its due role, swallow your disgust and smile like a good lady.

-Pierre was not this way, "noted Smith.

"Mr. Pierre is an idiot. Do not think you have noticed nothing about Alice ... arguing all the time, and I imagine you never thought you were arguing about something. I think Alice considered a little hysterical, as if he was not the problem.

Smith thought that maybe the girl was exaggerating for unity in the brotherhood, until he returned to question the other girls and taking the wrong relationship to light. Indeed, discussions and problems prevailed in its commitment to the point of wondering how they made both to put up with each other. "Nevertheless, Pierre loved him or looking for a way to get rid of your fiancee?

- Is there anyone I can talk about Alice? Asked the girl. This nodded, his face darkened, affected.

I do not know ... Is the poor Jean. Again she


"They were best friends, but I think the word they fall short.

- Where I can find?

The girl gave him the address, but was quick to say that since his death, and did not leave his house. It was rumored that not even his room, and the support of the brotherhood had failed to replace it. His parents had banned visits by the peace of mind of the young woman was too distraught to the point of believing that would soon fall into madness if they did not act quickly.

Smith said goodbye to her. Before leaving the guild met with several employees, who used to extract information. They assured him much of what was said by the girls, and in addition, some dare to add that Alice went out alone again and again, without telling anyone the name of the place or give an estimated time of arrival.


Is there any possibility that John knew Alice? Everything seemed to indicate that, yes, but would not dare say without sufficient evidence. Rebecca

had hinted that his brother said to be in love and went in search of a girl almost every day, after the separation of him and Alex. Would a possibility that the ends were found mysterious Alice?

The answer to the question of course was simple, but to investigate further and make an outline of the old ways of the young, found that did not leave much of the city. And there was no way they met, and that John would not go away long enough to indicate a continuous journey from one place to another. Although it seemed lockout with respect to that course, also found that Alice frequented several clothing stores, usually the most talked about in the city, and shops of knickknacks, accompanied mostly by Jean. In fact, they went together to all sides.

would have guessed that Jean sido como el soporte de Alice; hasta cuando discutía fuertemente con Pierre, Alice iba a consolarse en casa de su mejor amiga.


Estaba otra vez en la mansión de Pierre. Lo había recibido con una emoción surrealista y exceso de dramatismo, pensó que el lugar se asemejaba a un teatro. No se dejó distraer por la decoración fúnebre, ni el aspecto decadente que incluso lucían los sirvientes.

             —¿Hay algo más en lo que pueda ayudarle? —preguntó Pierre, affected voice. The furrows of tears on his cheeks were perfectly hewn, as if he had striven to stay the mark of his recent suffering.

Smith nodded and trying to be tactful, he revealed the reason why I was back there:

- been thinking about the possibility that Alice had a lover?

The change in Pierre was evident. For a moment his face darkened and his sight was stale, it was difficult to know if he thought en lo mismo que sospechaba Smith.

             —No… —No se le escapó la duda en Pierre—. Alice nunca me hubiera traicionado. Era toda una mujer respetable, ajena a actos indecentes.

             —Pero no se llevaban bien. —Pierre no lo comprendió—. Peleaban a menudo, ¿cierto?

- Oh, silly discussions! "Downplayed. It happens to many couples, but often are not important. Meant nothing in our relationship.

"I understand ..." Pierre smiled a sad smile, which would have brought shame to know Smith but probably would be a theater. However, I have to insist on this. Do you know Jean? I have understood that was his best friend.

"Oh, yes, of course," said Pierre.

- As was their relationship, it could help cover up the deception, is not it?

"Impossible, Pierre denied instantly. Jean is the one that Alice could be a decent lady, even when my Alice rejected his father's standards. In addition, Jean is a demure woman. A great example to follow and ... "He smiled, with a little grace ... in my opinion, too dry and narrow. Well, I'm not the only one who thinks she laughed, but even in their laughter, saw his eyes were misty.


returned to the station. Settled on his desk and began reviewing the case, documenting each interview. When he rose for a cup of coffee, one of the officers took the opportunity to comment, jokingly:

-Smith, not what's happened to her that maybe the girl was murdered by that madman round lately? Going from village to village in search of young girls and then kill them in various ways. This is the Murderer of Forests.

Some teammates looked hard, and another murmured that he had been in bad taste. However, the police was not discouraged and kept commenting.

"They say a new murder occurred in a nearby village where she was.

Smith remained silent, while three others reproached the police relaxed. No doubt, he was sure he had to remember something related to it, but ... What?


A new day, and doubts remained in the air. Mr. Smith began to tire because he could not even get to anything concrete. When considered going well something happened and made his ideas seem out of place. She sighed, unable to believe that even he could not solve this case.

But his thoughts were interrupted when he announced he had a visit. Mirelle Lady appeared at that time in the room and with a wave of his hand, invited him to sit.

- What should be the pleasure of having it in my humble abode, Milady?

She placed her hands on her lap and hesitated to respond, making Smith look at him expectantly.

"Mr. Smith I have only come to talk a little Jean She whispered, making the man arched an eyebrow, her under his face, smiling slightly. I do not want me wrong, but I'd like to leave some things clear. Jane is a very calm and pleasant, she wanted very much to Alice, not imagine how-Smith nodded a little, all he had heard by then he was sure that both girls had been like sisters, and had no doubt that .

- Nothing else has come to confirm it, Milady?

        ―No, no... también he venido para decirle otra cosa ―alzó el rostro, mirándolo directamente―. No sé si alguien ya se lo ha informado, pero puedo asegurarle que yo vi, en varias ocasiones a Alice con el señor John ―dijo, casi susurrando lo último, haciendo que el ceño del Detective se contrajera un poco.


―Si tenía esa información desde un principio ¿por qué no me lo dijo antes? ―preguntó, unable to avoid a harsh tone in his words, but that did not seem to affect the young lady.

"It's not something you could tell in front of Pierre" knows? "He concluded, getting up and making a little gesture of farewell. If I may, I have things to do, but I thought it was important to confirm that information.

Mr. Smith was also standing, thanking him for having bothered to show up there. He looked and intrigue go back to him. Something was not right in all this, so I decided to leave again.


The detective returned to visit that city again questioning acquaintances of Lady Porterfield, specifically whether they had ever seen with a man who had the constitution of John. To their fortune, or misfortune as he considered on this occasion several people confirmed he had seen a boy with that description of those places, but any comments seemed to satisfy Mr. Smith, for him "perhaps .. . maybe if he was "not a fact strong and did not help at all in their research.

was still as before, with small details that did not lead to anywhere. He hated being mistaken, did not suit his personality. But Smith was sure of something and the owner of that cabin was much to do with all that had happened. Although there was still clear why he had found in that place Lady Porterfield.

decided to go to church , trying to find a little peace to untangle the knot of thoughts I had at that time. But with just go, he met an acquaintance. Lady Jean was sitting on a bench in remote, weeping so uncontrollably. He approached her and in a clear sign that totally out of tune with his character, invited him to a cafe, trying to calm a little to the young. Ella aceptó aún sollozante.


            ―Discúlpeme por semejante espectáculo, pero no creí que me encontraría con algún conocido en ese lugar ―dijo Jean, mientras aceptaba el pañuelo que le había ofrecido el detective, ya ambos sentados en una mesa de una pequeña cafetería que no estab muy lejos de la iglesia.


"does not have to apologize, Milady, I'm sure the death of Lady Porterfield had hurt a lot," she nodded, a nod, it seems to be so impossible to answer without going back to sob. The silence was present when the drinks were brought, when Smith found that she was calmer, he decided to speak: "Tell me ... Porterfield Lady "was an enemy or someone who wanted to hurt him?

Those words seemed to horrify the young, who immediately black.

- Impossible! Alice was a wonderful young woman. It was totally impossible to hate someone like her.

Mister Smith nods, because everyone had told the same thing over and over again. While taking the coffee, the detective noticed something that, apparently, he had left behind.


La persona que parecía sufrir más con la muerte de Alice era Jean o, al menos, eso demostraba. La joven estaba casi desconsolada, ni siquiera el prometido, el Marques Bongiovanni parecía tan desolado. Si le preguntaran a él, diría que hasta parecía contento desempeñando su papel de Prometido Sufrido . Aunque cualquier consuelo que necesitase lo conseguía de la joven Mirelle. Y, aún así, seguía sin poder descubrir que tenía que ver John en todo ese asunto.


Una hora pasó, escuchando small stories about Alice Jean, with no give him some relevant data. So she says goodbye, going away to where he was staying at that moment, tired.

hoping not to be giving circles and all that will take you to one side.


Days later, Mr. Smith decided to talk to the lady's company the young Alice, hoping that would give more details of what had happened that night.

When he went to the residence of the Porterfield family, you might consider that he was lucky, because at that moment the young woman was entering the house, so I stopped and questioned .

She, somewhat hesitant, he said something that, until now, it seems, had not told anyone.

-may not be relevant or might be if he began, as he settled the basket with fabric that was in hands, but every week, Miss Alice used to receive a note that night was no exception. A note was addressed to it and reading it, Miss out without saying anything to anyone about where he went. As was common not pay much attention. That if, moments after he had left, Miss Jean came to look. But as he did not find retired, leaving no message, "he said, apparently without considering that important.

But Mr. Smith did not think so, so he asked in a friendly manner that will deliver the note. She did not see anything wrong with it, so we went inside and seconds later came out with the paper in hand and handed it, saying he could stay. He thanked her with a gesture and when he was only on the street, he read it. But that role rather than clarified their doubts led to increase.

In the paper with elegant calligraphy, was written that someone had said to Lady Porterfield in that cabin. But that was what confused him, but the name of the person who was meeting with her. There clearly said that the note was from Lady Jean. But if she had gone to the house minutes after that paper came at the hands of Lady Alice, then how? That had nothing of logic. I had to speak again with Jean.


The event took place in the department, Mr. Smith, whom Jane agreed to go a little confused, but hoping that this would help to solve the murder of her dear friend Alice.

Upon arrival, the first thing hico Smith was asked about the note, to see the bewildered face of the girl, took the paper from his pocket and showed it, so that read.

"There must be a mistake, I did not send any letter or note to Alice that day.

- that day? Smith asked, arching her eyebrow. So you're the one that sent the other letters? Can I know the reason?

Jean was silent for a long time, with a meditative air. At the end gave a sigh and decided to answer.

"It's boring being a woman you know? One always has to be careful of the label: Walk with your back straight, head up, do not see anyone in the eye, speaks with a voice soft, not strident laugh, do not argue at the table, do not get dark colors, do not use, do not tell, do not do, no, no, no. Life is an endless series of prohibitions, all to be the pride of our families, society, nation. But they never asked us if we want that, whether we like it, if we want to. In women there is also an air of adventure.

" Do you know what is " The Brotherhood of the Rose " ? Women-only boring tea, knitting and trained to be perfect wives, toys around people doing reckless things.

"Satine, Claire, Amanda, Susan, Daisy, Mirelle, I even Alice, we're at it, doing things inappropriate for a" lady. " Each one we had to make a challenge. But was met, then received a penalty. That week it was up to Alice, she had to meet the challenge. But he fought with Pierre and apparently forgot the matter.

- Does the punishment includes the death? "Mr. Smith was paying attention, because he looked tired and ready to tell all that he could.

"No, of course not. The most horrible thing was done, was the force Amanda to be the maid of Claire for two days. But you never know who is the punishment imposed, nor the place to be used "He paused a little to think or remember. I remember Daisy mentioned very much a cottage hidden in a forest whose owner was very flexible with it, "he said, watching the note again," at least mentioned that we could use when she wanted, had keys to the place, so I had some fans to go to the "cabin" or punishment in the cabin ...

But before they could finish the conversation, the maid entered the room, apologizing for interrupting but informed Mr. Smith that he had an urgent call.

- Do who is? He growled, annoyed that he interrupted in those moments.

-De Miss Archer, apparently has something important to say.

It was enough to ask him a few moments the young Jean and took the phone.

- Hello? Mr. Smith speaking.

"Mr. Smith, I'm Rebecca, please tell me it is not certain what will happen to John, please," sobbed the girl and kept talking without giving opportunity to detective to say something. It is not fair, John's not a bad person you know? Y. .. yet they are a. .. "Her tears seemed to prevent him from speaking clearly.

"Miss Archer, calm down and tell me, speaking only to inform me that?

"No, no ... Excuse me, is that just tell me something and I think you should know.

Detective Jane looked a little curious, because the man seemed very focused on what I was hearing. The conversation lasted for a while, but something scared the girl. Do not know he had been told, but the calm face of Mr. Smith, a moment's brow was pale and he was carrying was unreadable.

"Mr. Smith," Are you okay? He asked, standing up, but a sign of man into silence.

-clear up right, Miss Archer Are you sure what you're saying?

"Quite sure," confirmed the young woman across line.

- Can you please repeat that last? He took paper and pen and started writing something. After that he said goodbye to the girl, asking it to be discreet. He turned to Jean, who seemed completely confused. Milady Excuse me, but something important has emerged, I have to retire.

-Oh ... Oh! Do not worry, we can talk later.

"Thank you, you stay in your home - said goodbye con una pequeña reverencia, tomó su sacó y su sombrero y se marchó de la habitación.


Por fin, después de tantos días, al fin conseguía una información que le ayudaría a desenmascarar aquel misterio y a resolver finalmente ese caso.



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