Monday, May 5, 2008

Future Shop Cover Letters

Reto No. 5 - Frase de Oscar Wilde [06/05 - 12/05]

challenge requirements. ¤

type Multifandom (book, anime, manga, series, movie, videogame ... What you want. May even be a crossover. are not allowed alternate universes). ¤
Context: should be based on the words of Oscar Wilde: "To love oneself is the beginning of a romance that will last a lifetime" .
¤ Specifications: The extension will hover between 500 and 700 words (no more, no less) and, on this occasion, we have restricted genre: comedy ONLY. Any type of humor, parody, satire, etc.

The data must contain each challenge

¤ Title: is optional. The story may or may not have title. ¤
Link: The address of the site which have risen to the challenge. ¤
Author: (Link Elejota profile or where they climbed the hisoria). ¤
Warnings: Specify if the story has some kind of warning, either gender, type of partners, etc. ¤
Words: In few words has the story. ¤
Summary: is also optional. Some very short stories may not have the summary. But it always helps to attract readers. ¤
Day Published: Day that was published the story.

¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤ ~¤~¤~ ¤

¤ Title: Narciso. ¤
Author: [info] kryshtan
¤ Fandom: Harry Potter .
¤ Warnings: None . ¤
Words: 558. ¤
Summary: "was to be a long year with that teacher" ¤
Publication Date: 07/Mayo.


¤ Title: The true love of Kerberos. ¤
Author: Lunita. ¤
Fandom: Card Captor Sakura . ¤
Warnings: None . ¤
Words: 611. ¤
Summary: Finally found the love Kero of his life. Quieressaber "Who is it? come and find out. ¤
Publication Date: 09/Mayo.


¤ Title: Wonderfully Perfect. ¤
Author: Héray. ¤
Fandom: Bleach . ¤
Warnings: None . ¤
Words: 697. ¤
Summary: How could prefer to have such beauty Ikkaku front of their noses?, Yumichika could not understand. ¤
Publication Date: 11/Mayo.


¤ Title: Cursed Authors Hormone. ¤
Author: [info] rochy_true
¤ Fandom: House MD
¤ Warnings: Slash . ¤
Words: 668. ¤
Summary: None. ¤
Publication Date: 10/Mayo.


¤ Title: Pure narcissism. ¤
Author: [info] nahiara_hime
¤ Fandom: Ouran Host Club.
¤ Advertencias: Twincest, Slash.
¤ Palabras: 700.
¤ Resumen: Cuando una chica mostró su desagrado por la relación entre los gemelos Hitachiin, estos se defendieron de una manera... peculiar.
¤ Día de Publicación: 10/Mayo.


¤ Título: La voz del Espejo.
¤ Autor: [info] Aleganott
¤ Fandom: Ouran Host Club . ¤
Warnings: None. ¤
Summary: 649. ¤
Publication Date: 11/Mayo.


¤ Title: Quiérete a little. ¤
Author: [info] kmiya
¤ Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender. ¤
Warnings: Mild spoiler 3x13. ¤
Words: 699. ¤
Abstract: None. ¤
Publication Date: 12/Mayo.

¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ¤

¤ Total Challenges: 7. ¤
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