Saturday, November 28, 2009 Mathematicsboobs

The Meme of boys

I return to meet the challenge of the meme [info] sra_danvers but to list five men While not llevaríaa bed without hesitation, yes I find attractive.

5 BRAD PITT: Call me predictable but I like this particular plan when put into drive. If I have to stay with a movie he'll stick with Seven , disturbing movie ever there.

No. 4 Pep Guardiola: I have always found very attractive but lately alopecia and the years start to bite. His best performance, no doubt, the triplet of the 2008-2009 season

No. 3 HUGH JACKMAN: Brutal playing Wolverine in X-Men saga and a gentleman in Kate & Leopold . Better with a beard.

JOSH HOLLOWAY # 2: Or what is the same, the Lost Sawyer, a good fellow with the face of a ruthless bastard. In the notice of Davidoff Cool gets you even want to buy enter the colony.

No. 1 XABI ALONSO: Basque footballer who plays midfielder and currently plays for (Arghhhhh!!) Real Madrid. If someday I decide to change teams, look for at the Bernabeu dressing room door.

far my list and the response to the meme twice. Next week we will begin to talk about more serious things.

Sorority Hazing Rituals

The Meme of girls

Well here is the reason why I opened this LJ: Responding to the Meme [info] Sra_danvers . The meme is quoting 5 celebrities would you take to bed without hesitation. Then copy the conditions of the list:

1) List 5 celebrities you Would Have sex with events Without Asking questions.
2) Put all of them to IN ORDER of your lust for Them [5-1, 1 is the hottest].
3) Say Which movie / show / It Was That thing you hooked.
4) Supply photos for Said people.
5) Tag five friends to do the Same.

The [info] sra_danvers has given me permission to list 5 women. And since I have permission, there goes my list:

MONICA BELLUCCI No. 5: The very picture of Italian madonna. Has a secondary role, that of Persephone, the Matrix saga, but in this picture is dressed as Little Red Riding Hood into a wolf.

No. 4 Rebecca De Mornay: A myth erotic 80's for his film Risky Business , in which she plays a prostitute who seduces a very young Tom Cruise in before I sipped the coconut with Scientology. The film has two scenes mythic Cruise has been celebrating quedado solo en casa, bailando en camisa y calzoncillos "Old Time Rock and Roll" de Bob Seger , y Rebeca y Tom echando un polvo espectacular en el metro al ritmo de "In the Air Tonight" de Phil Collins mientras al pobre de Tom le desvalijan la casa.

Nº 3 GWYNEATH PALTROW: Me encantó en Shakespeare in love quizá porque interpretaba a una mujer enamorada, quizá porque su personaje se enfrentaba a todo el mundo por conseguir su anhelo de ser actriz. Una razón más para envidiar a Chris Martin .

2: PAZ VEGA: For many movies, but especially Lucíay Sex. Absolutely Mediterranean brunette beauty. I also loved The other side of the bed where hilarious.

No. 1 LIV TYLER: This girl is primarily a genetic abnormality. How a man so ugly as Steven Tyler may have engendered a woman like her is a mystery of nature. Liv appears always gorgeous, but Belleza robada le da al papel un aire inocente que dan ganas de pedirle para salir.

Quisiera añadir un accésit para una actriz de anuncios de la que ni sé el nombre ni si hace películas. El año pasado hizo un anuncio de Nescafé y ahora aparece en uno de Nivea Q10. Cualquier pista sobre su nombre o número de teléfono será inmensamente agradecida.

Wedding Dance Mod Descargar

Good Morning Live Journal

Hola, bienvenida a mi LJ. Supongo que lo primero que debo hacer es presentarme. Mi nombre es Àlex, pero puedes llamarme Nexus.

Mi nick responde a los replicantes de la película "Blade Runner", which is definitely my favorite movie. In that story, the replicants are machines, robots created to perform the hardest tasks that humans have left undone. But what I like most about this film is a reflection on life and death, of what constitutes being alive or not. No doubt Roy Batty's final speech is the most breathtaking I've seen on a screen

"quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's What It Is To Be a Slave.

people I've seen Things you Would not Believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain. Time to die.»

Hace ya meses que tengo una cuenta abierta en LJ pero solo la utilizaba para poder leer los LJ de los demás. Hasta que ha llegado la [info] sra_danvers y me ha retado con un meme . Por supuesto podría haber dejado pasar la ocasión, pero me gustan los retos, así que me he visto obligado a responderle. Aunque primero, por supuesto, hay que ser educado y presentarse. Por cierto, el fantástico userpic que estás seeing what she has done. Thanks love

Feel free to stop, read and comment, I always try to answer.