Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How To Import Used Boats From Usa

ask me! Visit

The shirt that I'd like to bring the Kings
Coloma was a Border Collie that for several years was the absolute dominant dog show pastors Castellar de N'Hug. The cries of his master, Jordi Muxach, stretched to make it became very famous: "Jau, Coloma, jau!"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Azureus Vuze Search Adult Template

Tonight to come into my coffee shop one of the people who most hate in this world, Albert Rivera. The purpose of the visit is that his party organized in my city a political act of the "Catalonia we all." The reasons for my contempt for this character are simple: the only concern of his political organization is the defense of Castilian in Catalonia, like the Castilian and English speakers were persecuted or being subject to some cross Catalan to expel the country. Far . Anyone who has walked the streets of Catalunya, let metropolitrana area of Barcelona you can see that in absolutely every shop will assist you in Castilian says he does not understand Catalan. The reverse is much less common. In my town you can ask for in a bakery "bar room" and you do not understand, in fact you'll be lucky if you do not look like a Martian.

When I saw him enter the door my first intention was to cast, but of course I have a public and I can not afford mounting scandals even if it had willingly. So you've served your cut with a fake smile. It is the second time I am in a similar situation. The first was about 10 years ago, when at a gala awards ceremony I was tempted Metro throw a tray of meat in sauce Life-Quadras Alejo today MEP and former president of the Catalan PP n. I did not then, but Terenci Moix, who sat in the same table, was about to do based on my nerves making little jokes with the tray.

In any case, I sure would not have gone public too act for two reasons. First, because at the same time the act FC Barcelona played a Champions League match broadcast live on public television. The second reason, and they did not know is that the posters announcing the act that placed the previous day disappeared from the walls because I spent all afternoon on Monday to take a walk downtown and saw sign poster that started. I would say in total there were about 40. I say in my defense that never ripped posters of any other political formation. They sow hate and hate is all gathered up.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Shelter Gay Streaming

unexpected death certificate

There, that's all. Today I have de baja mi moto. Su próximo destino será el chatarrero. Ahora que ya no la tengo es cuando se echa de menos, sobre todo en los viajes a Barcelona ciudad. Ya no tengo la comodidad de llegar y aparcar en la puerta. Ahora tengo que pensar antes de moverme qué voy a hacer con el coche, si lo aparcaré, dónde, si encontraré atasco. Dice mi madre que seguro que ha sido para bien, pero la echo de menos, y eso que solo era un trozo de hierro que solo se ponía a 87 km/h con el viento a favor y en bajada.

Me he prometido a mí mismo que no será mi última moto.

PD: Continúo escuchando el CD de Michael Bublé. Estoy deseando encontrarme con Salva, el conserje del Museo de al lado para enseñarle la nueva adquisición, él que me pide que le ponga el CD a última hora y nos ponemos los dos cantarines :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Edible Arrangements Wedding Centerpiece?

Crazy love

Alguien que me quiere mucho me ha hecho hoy un regalo genial: el último disco de Michael Bublé "Crazy Love". Estaba tan emocionado que lo he escuchado cuatro veces seguidas en la cafetería y puedo decir que al menos dos clientes me han dicho que les gustaba.

Para ser del todo feliz solo the boy would fail me to deign to cross the Pyrenees in the upcoming European tour, but for now it is closer to Paris on May 18 ... Anyone coming?


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How To Calculate Annealling Temperature

Papyre 6.1

Today I had my hands on a Papyre 6.1, that is, an electronic book or e-reader. Referred to in 6.1 to 6 inches from the screen. The book comes with some 1000 titles of classic pre-installed. My first impression is that is new but still lacks something. The pages take a few seconds to load, enough to have to wait between pages and the reading gets a little more tedious. Apart from this detail, the unit is fine: 1 month of battery, is perfectly in dim light from any angle and weighs as little as one book. Sale for 300 €, but certainly soon come down in price.

If you want more information about e-readers can check

ratted me also that there are pages where you can download current books without paying, but why not post it here lest someone come RamoncĂ­n and I close on LJ XD