Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I Think I Have Gallbladder Issues

Challenge No.4 - Stratovarius [01/07-07/07]

equisitos del reto.

¤ Tipo: Original.
¤ Contexto: Basado en la siguiente canción:

Cold Winter Nights

Summer’s gone a while ago
The daylight dims away
I’m watching here how the snow begins to fall
Yesterday’s like a dream
A memory in my head
Like the life’s gone behind the winter wall

I’m lighting up the candles and lock the door
Sitting by the fire
It’s time to dream some more

I have to find a way how to survive
I am surrounded by the starlight
I have to find the path and to escape
From the cold winter nights

And in the morning
There’s no trace of the sun
Just gray fog hanging above my head
All the birds are quiet
Hiding in the woods
Can’t see no movement, are they all dead?

I’m lighting up the candles and lock the door
Sitting by the fire
It’s time to dream some more

I have to find a way how to survive
I am surrounded by the starlight
I have to find the path and to escape
From the cold winter nights

Cold Winter Nights - Traducción

El verano se fue hace tiempo ya
El día se ha oscurecido
I'm here watching the snow begins to fall
Yesterday is like a dream
only a memory in my head
As the life behind the wall is extinguished

winter I'll light the candles and close the door Sitting near

fire is time to dream a little more

I find a way to survive
I'm surrounded by the starlight
I must find a way and escape
In the cold winter nights

And in the morning is not no
Only traces of the sun
gray fog floating over my head
All the birds remain quiet

Hidden in the woods I can not see any movement, Are they all dead?

I'll light the candles and close the door Sitting by the fire

is time to dream a little more

I must find a way to survive
I'm surrounded by the starlight
I find the way and escape from
the cold winter nights.

¤ Specifications: The extension will go from 500 words to 750. ¤
NOTE: The lyrics of the song is very wide and can find a lot of different meanings for the same. The story may reflect literal, metaphorical, focus only on one hand ... A taste. ¤

ANOTHER NOTE: From now on, comments are filtered. That is, only I can see them. Hope it is not no problem ^ ^

To download / listen, are these links:

Cold Winter Nights Stratovarius.

MegaUpload RapidShare Media-Fire 4shared SendSpace Youtube
To make things easier. To maintain order, the challenges of the same perosnas must be on one line. That is: You leave your first challenge and the next, give reply to your first comment. The details are as follows: ¤

Subjet: Author Nick . ¤
Title: is optional. The story may or may not have title. ¤
Link: The address of the site which have risen to the challenge. ¤
Warnings: Specify if the story has some kind of warning, either gender, type of partners, etc. ¤
In few words has the story.
¤ Abstract:
is also optional. Some very short stories may not have the summary. But it always helps to attract readers.
¤ Publication Date:
Day that was published the story.

¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ ¤

Author: [info] saki_riddle

¤ Title: Just ... Run! ¤
words: 522

¤ Summary:
There are decisions that nobody wants to take, no time would rather not have to live, but beyond our control. Sometimes, simply for being different, we have to endure a torment indescribable nos toca dejar atrás todo aquello por lo que vivíamos. Y a veces, en un instante, nuestro sufrimiento puede acabar, sin que comprendamos del todo cómo sucedió.
¤ Día de publicación :

[info] ¤ Título: Otro juego más.
¤ Palabras:
¤ Resumen:
Pero cuando tus pies tocaron el piso, algo cambió. A tu alrededor ya no estaba la ciudad blanca, human replete with its many layers of clothing mimicked the onions, it was the city that had seen it grow for many years. No, you were in an unknown location. ¤
Publication Day: 5/7/2008


Author: [info] kryshtan

¤ Title: Place corrupt
¤ Fandom: Original

¤ Character:
Irken, the dwarf
¤ Warnings: Mentions
creatures exist, but nothing else (?)
¤ Summary:
"Where could rest over the coming decades, if all your shelter fell under the clutches of those mountruos?" ¤
Publication Date:
July 3 ---

Author: [info] nahiara_hime

¤ Title: Nights frozen ¤
Warnings: No

¤ Words:
¤ 749
nights in this house have always been the same and they still endure the cold. ¤
Publication Date: July 6

¤ Title: Warmth expected
¤ Warnings: Angst
¤ Words: 750

¤ Abstract:
Because he is like the sun at dawn after an overnight freeze, you wait. ¤
Publication Date: July 6

¤ Title: Summers lost
¤ Warnings: No

¤ Words: 706

¤ Summary:
No ¤
Publication Date: July 7


¤ Author: [info] kirscheh

¤ Title: Eternity to the Eternal.
¤ Warnings: No

¤ Words:
510. ¤
Because no matter how hard I try, if not willing, never will be nothing new under the sun, is not you, but me. ¤
Publication Date: July 7

¤ Title: Red and White.
¤ Warnings: ---

¤ Words: 569

¤ Summary: Dancing
indefinitely the same melody in your heart sinister, sad yes, but I'm happy. ¤
Day Published: July 7

¤ Title: Winter
Warnings ¤: ¤
--- Words: 588

¤ Summary: Same as yesterday
, like tomorrow, just wait is all that remains. ¤
Publication Date: July 7


¤ Author: [info] aleganott


Title: None.
¤ Warnings: None
. ¤
Words: 527

¤ Publication Date:
July 7.

¤ Title:
¤ Warnings: Slash
. ¤
Words: 551

¤ Publication Date:
7 de julio.

¤ Título:
¤ Advertencias:
¤ Palabras:
¤ Día de publicación:
7 de julio.

¤ Total de Retos:
¤ New Users:


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