Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why Does Alabama Have 22 On Football Helmet

Justin "- Part.

Capítulo: Uno de Tres.
Género: Terror/suspenso paranormal.
Palabras: 7,175 (el cap).
Raiting: T.
Advertencias: Violencia.

Eternamente perfecto, inigualablemente imparable, inmensamente… aburrido. Para él la vida era una rutina vacía, casi sin gracia, no importaba que sucediera, para la dimensión jamás se cambiaba. Él era lo idílico y si eso terminaba, entonces sólo quedaba la muerte.

Primera Parte - Part - Epilogue

Chapter One:

had just been separated from his friends for less than a block. Jacob and Frank were good people, somewhat manipulative, but good people. That did not change the fact that sometimes felt that I understood more than Jacob Frank, and gave him more space. But Frank was his partner confidence, with a look that I knew what to do or not. Si debía de hablar o mantenerse callado.

Caminaba pausadamente; tenía ganas un tiempo para él, cosa que se le privaba en cuanto llegaba a casa, con su madre acosándolo. Sabía que lo quería, pero llegaba un punto el cual era exasperante. No importaba cuánto la alabasen sus compañeros de clase y amigos, por cómo lo trataba, sobre que no le negaba nunca nada; a veces, no la soportaba, persiguiéndolo como una abeja a la miel, cerciorándose de si respiraba bien o no.

Esa no era la única cosa con la cual no estaba de acuerdo con sus amigos, y sabía que no era la última. Mas ellos nunca sabrían de ninguna de ellas, no era necesario. Being different from them was an insult to the situation, nothing else. It was enough with what I had at that time.

Sometimes, when I looked at all laughing at a joke, a joke, or talking about something, it felt like ... like a tank, looking at them without actually share in what was happening , even be laughing or reviewing. She felt out of place, different. I knew it was not normal, it was not good. He was one among them, but for others, was the one with the reins firmly. What he said, it was, plain and simple. But many times, I was not sure someone would notice that I felt that was incorrect. So many times, being with his girlfriend, he felt out of place. She was very pretty, something cheesy and superficial, but still cute and nice. But that did not prevent felt disgust at her, like a horrible choice.

felt I could say so: it was strange, a fish condemned to see others, without being owned by anyone or anything, as a loner. But they were not to blame, no, he had it. For thinking differently.

unwittingly stepped in a puddle. It had rained the night before too, and much of the water had not gone through the sewers. Part of it had soaked into his black shoes and beige trousers, school clothes. He said some bad words and walked, somewhat annoying.

heard behind him, like someone else was wet with the same puddle and could not turn around to see. Curiosity, perhaps; coincidence, perhaps. The case was that he was sure of something. For nearly a week, always felt someone was following him when he returned from school, just as he was separated from his two friends. Sometimes, there came to them, but others do and they were always the same. Would recognize anywhere time, although to take their faces covered with scarves and never the same clothes, but all equally old and corroded.

quickened his pace, trying to lose. There were only four blocks to get home and they always disappeared when there were two.

He looked worriedly. Call it paranoid, does not matter, but had a bad feeling about all that.

Suddenly, the right side, threw him against the wall of a cement house. The blow caused his head around and let go give school supplies. Then, hit him a punch in the stomach, leaving no air, to close with a bang on the head, he did mislead. Stunned and unable to breathe, threw him three to a dark alley. It was already seven o'clock and the streets were beginning to darken.

No one else was there, just him and the accused.

When hit, because of a strong thrust against the end wall of the alley, he realized he was lost. Little sick, could have more than six people watching. Alone could not against them all, despite being muscled by the number of practicing sports.

One of them approached and punched him in the face, making his nose bleed. He tried to return it, if you want quiet, because they would hurt. But it was not possible because, just then, two moved and grabbed his arms tightly, pressing it against the cold wall and dirty. But the situation was not to think about how difficult it would remove the stains of ecru sweater.

who hit him he pulled a knife and began to tear his clothes, from bottom to top. First sweater, tie and then finally the neat white shirt, leaving the sight of his chest and abdomen worked. Passed a lewd hand skin, polluting, stop then try to kiss him. He tried to avoid it, but firmly took his face, opening his jaw and putting his tongue inside her filthy mouth. Believing docile now, let go, which Justin took the opportunity to bite, causing a wound started to bleed. The young of no more than twenty years away quickly and walked another to deal a blow to the abdomen exposed. Others began to approach, as he tried to defend kicks.

managed to free his left arm for a second, and beat whoever was nearby. But between two returned to grip it firmly, while others beat him.

When he had hurt came back with a knife, threatening. Some moved, giving him and Justin space to breathe. Alarmed, tempted to scream for help, but the man laid his gun on the jugular like that beat fiercely.

approached him and whispered in his ear:

-O you shut up or you shut up, bitch .- For then licking and biting his earlobe. Justin felt lost, filthy, tangled in a blanket which could not rid. Everything was a tide of bile in his throat and the need to scream, but must remain silent.

The man pressed against him, compressing his chest. On both sides, those who held the crumbled remains of clothes and licking lots of skin as if it were an elixir. The horror, the realization of everything, dominoes and was tempted to scream, but it touched his groin tightened up pants with force, causing the pain, the silent and her eyes fill with tears. She felt the cloud of suffering, and got rid of his pants, leaving him in boxers. Tempted to kick, but those who held him tangled his legs to it, trapping them harshly.

To his horror, felt the erection of two against his thighs. He opened his eyes (which had not been realized, had closed) with terror, and tried to shake free, but they just moaned in his ear, guttural.

With the knife, he destroyed the boxers, leaving him naked. He felt shame, disgust and fear. He could see, among the spots where they had become the world or where to approach and touch it could. But neither did there. The hierarchy should be maintained.

But his luck did not last long. Who seemed The leader took his testicles without fear or hesitation, and began to stroke them with lust. Feeling that he did not arrive, since the repulsion he felt towards the young and made himself forbade it. The man hid his face in his neck, sucking and biting, as if it were the sweet, fresh apple, after crossing a desert. On both sides, the types rubbed against him, masturbating themselves with the movement that seemed so repulsive.

looked to the sky, trying to ignore what was happening, leaving more room for that man lamiese. He wondered why nobody helped him, why no one appeared and saved him. Perhaps because he deserved to be different, perhaps, for thinking differently to others, God or whoever was up there punished him. Looked at the sky for that be saw her tears escaping her eyes, though he did not want to not show weakness, to see that the warning was enough suffering, that there was no need and had gotten the message. But they did not stop.

Believing that he had accepted what was going to happen and was willing to "cooperate" because of the movement he had made, the kind groaned against her neck, making your skin vibrate. This, dropping the gun he had in his right hand, opened his pants, got out and left open his erection, still not wearing underwear.

looked around, pávido by the friction between the member and the subject, begging for help to those who were there, asking, in the greatest silence, and pity. But the three that were not far behind, no more than a meter, staring, while his hands were tucked into his pants, masturbating as the best, sigh no more expressions, so that no one suspected.

was lost.

felt like the damn rubbed against his body, at different times mareándolo between hatred and fear. The loathing, was the fact that it played a dirty creatures, it seemed that every place where they had contact, was smeared with blood and dirt. And the fear of knowing what was going to do, how hurt and expectation. Everything looked like a collage in her stomach, traveling regularly to the base of his head and made him miss the north.

felt something strange in the mouth and nose hit something cold. In his distraction, had turned. Gulped. Sandy felt her throat, her chest touched the cold wall, and something made its entry pressure.

The following was a range of pain: pressure, just at that place so private. Martyrdom his way into her flesh, burning and tearing. She bit her lip hard, while her right cheek hit a wall, because of the man who pushed his head against the stone.

was as if the world try to enter it, but could not. Something that had not been made for this, nor prepared, was trying to make the place. But it was too fast, he could not avoid some weeping and your eyes to drown in tears. Anger, fear, sorrow, disgust. A lot of pain and disgust.

This is repeated, one time or another. And another. And another. And another. When I thought I had finally finished all the pain came back to haunt it harder than before. I felt something sticky inside, something that burned, that burned.

He was broken and lost.

legs no longer bear and no one but the type is held. The others were isolated, did not know why he did not care.

His head was ice fog, or something. No thoughts came into it, could only focus on the needles that pierced his body, slowly, and that went in there. His body seemed alien and all passed through a mist. And I could almost imagine that he was wrong. I was at home, lying in bed watching television.

But the pain through it. It felt like a doll, her body felt well. As a puppet without strings that should be left to do, simply. Because he had no strength to move.

A muffled scream was heard across the alley increasingly dark. Inside, some wet and warm expanded and stung. Something that should not be there, but so soiled.

The man walked away quickly and he lost all support. His legs did not support his weight and did not want to force them to do so. Fell slowly to the ground. His clothes torn, pulled on it, prevented his body touched the cold. unrest was still there, inside him. May never come out, maybe. But then tortured him and caused more tears to depart from his brown eyes.

Suddenly, as if a bucket of cold water fell on him, really wanted draw your attention and made him look at her face. The men stared. One was tempted to approach. Do not know why he did not care. Nothing made sense and would not meet him. But that had tormented him stood and looked at him strangely. Gradually, they went away from him. Could almost be grateful that they did, but after what had happened ... I could not thank anybody anything.

The complaints started running down his chest and had to escape somewhere. Now there was nobody, he was alone. Could mourn alone.

- Justin? "E" are you? "Someone come closer to him, but watched him from afar. - Justin, my love? "He whispered, his voice sharp. He went a bit in the alley. His eyes filled with panic, and a scream escaped her lips, alerting birds wanted to escape.

Then the world went black. And it would be black, inside of it.

The clean smell got in, like a sigh. Get needles felt everywhere. He moved slowly, trying to get back to sleep and a stitch, from a straight to his neck, he walked it. He opened his eyes in alarm.

A pure white and it was infinite. The light blinded him. He squinted, and waved his hand to prevent pegase with great force. He realized he had something that prevented movement.

- Justin, son? "The voice of her mother ended up waking. In your field of view, appeared red in the face of it. His eyes filled with tears, her mouth covered by a scarf with the help of his left hand. And despite being in a sorry state remained as beautiful.

- Mom, what happened? "She asked. Her throat stung and talked hoarse. His mother approached him a glass of water after taking a sip and left on a tray nearby, she hugged him tightly, while breaking into tears again.

"My son, my little son. What made you, my love? To you! To you! Why you? "I do not understand. It was not the babbling of his mother, no, but what he had done?

A man walked into the room. He was a doctor, the expression on his face was pensive and bitter.

said something, which entered his brain and managed to remember it. Everything around him became mist, slowly. He was drowned in a sea of pain, it was understood further from everyone. Suddenly, the needles were fixed more strongly in himself, and his eyes filled with tears of humiliation, shame and anger.

realized that his mother pressed against his chest, as he apologized for something he could not quite understand. Excuse me, why? If she had not done anything.

The anguish went through his stomach, passed through his chest as acid and got caught in his throat. Longed to throw everything out and made it, vomited blood and water, because in your gut there was nothing worthwhile drive.

I knew he spoke, he gestured. But he could not answer them it was as if his mind was tied up and not send the information to their vocal cords, or their arms to ward off the damn lamp that hit the retina. It was believed lost in a forest full of shadows, where nothing made sense and he was dirty. It is understood dirty.

looked at his left arm. I could almost see the fingerprints journey as worms, above and below the skin. I wanted them out of there, because it made him feel hurt and repulsive. But could not.

When the world became clear back when everything had returned to color slowly, he could hear the bustle that was in his head and sobs of his mother "Your father is coming ". But he did not want his father, so perfect and great, I saw it in that sorry state. Maybe you do not want more, not worthy to be believed his son or something. She wanted no more shame, is that nobody understood?

sleep was reached after an hour. Not really tired, I needed to escape all that and not allowed to leave the hospital until they knew the results of the tests you had done. Even a psychologist was to talk to him but he ignored it. Do they believed they had gone mad, or something? Well believe it, but he would not manipulate. He was not crazy.

awoke when his father. Or when the latter began to shout, out of his room, the doctor about something. In fact, it became so when I was worried and nervous. He also was nervous when his blue eyes locked on him through the glass in your room.

The man entered, like a blast, and embraced his son. Justin did not know how to react, the expressions of affection such were not common. Not for this was that his father did not love him, on the contrary, I knew that I loved very much. But it was not make them understand that. It was as if to hide it and fight him. But there was no reason to fight. Asked him about the guys who had attacked him. Never uttered the word "rape" in his presence, and thank him. He tried to tell everything without remembering more, based on previous day had seen.

A while later, police arrived they did some very similar questions, but without touching that her father had for him. In the end, the latter the finished casting the room to see the pale face and broken his son. Outside, he shouted a few obscenities.

not anyone understand that I wanted to go, he wanted a bath, cleaned and removed all? What did he die in order to be free of all that was?

When he was released he was told to be home a few days to get used to it. But the first day was hell, her mind kept reliving every thing, every horrible feeling and did so more strongly when sleeping. Needed to do something, so I begged and cried to go back to school. There was he who ordered and if he said "forget", he forgot. Furthermore, had asked him not to tell anyone. Surely the teachers would know, but no matter. At least, not him. What I cared about was what his friends think. Maybe they would realize that he was dirty, or that he was well, perhaps would realize that it was indeed different and exclude. But he did not want to be alone anymore. He would not let happen again.

The only one who knew about was his girlfriend, but had called to tell him not to anyone. She would keep his promise, yes, it was somewhat distracted, but no less evil and unfaithful.

- Justin! Hey, buddy! How have you been? "Frank shouted as he set foot inside the establishment. I expected next to the stairs, as usual. Surrounded de todos. Podría considerarlo como su mejor amigo, en serio.

―Hey, ¿cómo va? ¿Yo? Bien―contestó. Frank, en broma, le apuntó un moretón en la mejilla que no se había curado, todavía. Se rió, nervioso.―Un pequeño problema con…algunos chicos.

Las miradas se clavaron en él, sentía como si observasen su alma, como si en realidad supiesen la verdad. Pero el sabía que no era así.

―¿Qué pasó?―preguntó Jacob, mientras le pegaba una palmada en la espalda. Asco. Eso sintió. Que no lo tocasen, por favor, que nadie lo toque. It would foul, like him.

Since the accident, could not stop swimming. At least, he had three times per day. The clean effect lasted several hours, no more. I felt repulsed by her body, her skin seemed scarred mud, I could almost feel the earth and saliva.

"Some believed they were looking to fight," he replied, as usual. Gulped.

"I hope that you have given what they deserve," said cheerful, as always, Daiana. One of the few girls in the group and the most interactive of all. A gossip, anyway. The best friend of his girlfriend.

"Say ... that they will remember me as I of them .- The phrase sounded so realistic that he felt the bile in your mouth. Everyone laughed and there was a sense of difference again. At any time vomitaría. "Come now, let's go," urged and laughing were the first class.

But the class was torture. I felt that everybody looked at all the time. Many teachers in fact they did, and most of pity. The worst was when he entered the math. He was a jerk who always wanted to quit badly, and sometimes answer era divertido. Pero su mirada negra y sus cejas pobladas tenían una expresión que lo hacía hervir de ira. Mas no dijo nada, quizás era su imaginación.

Una semana más tarde su vida era aún peor.


Las pesadillas no le dejaban dormir en lo absoluto. En cuanto su cabeza tocaba la almohada, su cerebro se llenaba de imágenes terribles con el único propósito de atormentarlo. Había llegado el punto en que no dormía. Pero se había encargado de que sus padres no se enterasen de eso.

Ante su falta de sueño, sus cambios de ánimo eran comunes. He could be joking in a minute, yelled the next thousand and one to all.

Laila, his girlfriend, began to complain, saying that to be like before, he felt bad so much like him, but that was no way to treat the problem. They had finished screaming and then, trembling in the arms of another.

He was on the brink.

had thinned a lot, almost did not feel like eating. In addition, grades were down, the teachers were looking at him getting worse and fall asleep in class, usually waking up between gasps and tears, hiding by Frank and Jacob, who did not understand anything.

that day, going to school, he realized that his paranoia grew. I could feel everyone looking and pointing. Whispers followed him everywhere. In the face of nearly all was his name.

could not understand.

-Justin "called Frank. Jacob paid in the arm, but his friend looked at him strangely, with his brown eyes as if he should ask permission to continue. Jacob declined slowly, but Frank ignored him .- Do you know who are your friends, right? And we're always going to be, right?

Justin did not know what to do. I knew what was happening, he knew. Ran a hand through his blond hair almost nervously. Again feel the hands down, as always when he felt uncomfortable.

"Of course I know," replied, trying to ignore him in his own voice trembling .- Why do you say?

"We ..." Jacob coughed. He put the willies. That only happened when he wanted to avoid something, but should hacerlo. "We know that we lied.

you ever felt like the world actually was a vessel that was and disarm doomed to fall into a million pieces? Those words had thrown a rock at a glass of Justin, which broke before falling. I could almost hear the sound of glass pieces crumble.

- Did you lie? Why do that? "I knew he was pulling a rope that had nothing to give.

Jacob and Frank looked at each other. Do not know what to say or how to say. Do not say it, please, do not say.

"We know that the cardinal had last week was not a simple pelea.-legs did not support weight, but remained strong and proud. They wanted the truth, because they would have.

"We know that happened in reality," said Frank. What had happened? He would say. What would they know about "what happened? They did not understand, but it was not his fault.

- What happened to me? "The challenge. Remained white with fear. The Justin's voice was not shaking, was determined and full of rage. Watched intently, a few steps from them, with his brown eyes colder than ever.

"Those guys ... we'd ..." Jacob said había bajado la mirada. Estaba nervioso e incómodo.

―El punto es que lo sabemos, Justin―terminó Frank, desafiante.―Lo que no sé es porqué no nos dijiste. Somos tus amigos…

―Ustedes no entienden―susurró Justin. Se sentía como una rata de alcantarilla rodeada por dos serpientes. Pero no se dejaría comer fácilmente.

―¡No entendemos porque no nos dejas!―gritó, algo molesto, su mejor amigo. Ya no quería mirarlo a los ojos, pero no bajó la mirada.

―No necesito de ayuda―contestó. Apretó fists, so that no arms were shaking.

-if needed. It's something fucked up ... "siguió." It must be something fucked up ... "he said, as she took a step toward him. Jacob took his arm, but he was released quickly.

"It's something I'm going to decidir." I had a lump in his throat very loud, annoying.

"We want to help," said Jacob, a little more determined.

After a moment of silence, in which the two stared at him, pleading, he replied: "There is nothing they can do," Frank opened his mouth to reply, but avoid touching the subject, for me.

Jacob nodded, faithful as ever. Frank was going to say something but stopped.


After a chat, he discovered how they had found. Like middle school, of course.

He felt the edge, and went no further.

The only one who had spoken was Laila.

With the help of her friends looked around the school. The girl was crying in silence, on the patio, against a wall for anyone to see. And he had found.

much pain I felt, had betrayed him. But despite that, he had some affection did not want to lose.

Carefully approached. Armed himself with patience, to treat it well. Do not want to lose, not at this time. He was one of its pillars, for months. Not now.

-Laila, "he called, as soft as he could. She lifted her face from her hands, and looked at Laila pánico.-whispered, with sorrow. I could not treat it bad, except when she was well.

-Justin "The regret that bore his name broke in the last letters. It was how he felt, broken.

- Why ... why do you say? "He asked, with parsimony. She gasped at her as she cried harder .- Why betray me?

-Ya-I do not know what to do, Justin. I do not ... "was silent, trying to breathe. He knelt before her, for her eyes fijamente. "I felt so lost and lonely ... I can not go, Justin! Green, does not understand how I feel? "She whimpered.

- What you? Do not you do to me? Why it had to say?! "He could not contain the semi cry in it. She looked scared, as if he could hit.

"She told me not to tell anyone," he whispered, as she turned to hide in his arms.

- you know how! I know! You can not say anything you would not want published, Laila. You better than anyone, "he cried, while taking in the shoulders, you should understand that your silence needed!

She wept uncontrollably. Why was she crying? She had no right! None! The

started shaking me.

- I needed! And you spoke! Why did you betray me so?! "I could not restrain himself, had to remove it.

- I feel dirty hiding! I needed to tell someone, "he cried, between sobs.

- Dirty? Asked, skeptical "Do you feel dirty? And what about me, Laila?! I'm dirty!

"You, you do not understand ..." whimpered, almost without spilling lágrimas.-you away from me ... the people spoke, I felt lost.

What people were talking about? What? "About her? "About him? Do they not see that it did not matter? What I needed him, and she speaks?

- What people talk about? "He laughed, angry and sarcastic Talk? Do you? "A cold laugh escaped his lips, so cold that it seemed inappropriate.

- Justin! Enough, I hurt! "He squirmed, trying to free. How

him that day.

The release, surprised and alarmed. The fog was growing, back of his head, but he would not allow it. Not this time.

She pushed him, knocking him backward, while shouting an "I hate you" and went running to who-knows-where.

He is stranded there, as the doll was broken.

The next day, he returned to school as usual. Laila and did not speak, like Daiana, but no matter. Not needed, he had convinced them.

Nobody say anything, because no one knew for sure what had happened and whether it was true. In addition, he behaved as if nothing, or so trying.

The night before had not slept at all. I was tired mentally and physically. His coach had struck more than once and asked him to retire and come back when you feel better.

But he knew he would not feel better until I cleaned. Until removed rotten worms that traveled all the time, reminding him that was a foul.

His character had deteriorated further. Do not treat anyone as before, except in a few moments to his closest friends, which helped him to calm down or I woke up when he fell asleep in class. Frank

pressed him to seek help, talk to someone. But Jacob gave him his space, saying that he was the owner and will always support it. I knew the first was right, but did not want more humble.

And as icing on the cake, his math teacher pitied him.

Previously, whenever I could put it into evidence, asking things. But he could always ended winning. But now it was horrible.

She looked with pity, like a street dog had no food or home. And that was dirty.

- Basta! Yelled, annoyed. He stopped so fast that he threw his chair back, as if bag. Everyone in the class the teacher looked at him and watched him from the front, staring, as if they were expecting that. That was not good! - Stop looking at me like that! With a demon!

The silence was introduced in place. Everything was spinning.

belforma Sir, please sit down, "said the teacher. Only that? Not a "go to URL"?

- Who do you think-e ... - Why the world is moving? The teacher frowned and went as fast as he could, but failed to prevent Justin terms of four legs on the ground, while the world is returning home after dark and fuzzy.

"We have to go to the nurse" I took her arm, but he was released. Be all right again.

- Do not touch me! - Do not you see I'm dirty? felt the bile in her throat, but appeared to be fine.

The hospital was a few rooms away, there would be no problem if he was alone.

"I will accompany ...

- No! I'll go alone. Nearby, I'll be fine "he demanded. I did not want anyone seeing him fall, no. The teacher looked at him for a moment, as if the scan. What Justin did not know was that the teacher understood how she felt. Brave and determined, so was his sister. Until the day that she was abused.

He knew the boy could go to the hospital only for their pride would. He nodded slowly as if weighing the possibilities. Justin, with all the bravado he had, decided walked towards the door and left, closing the door shut.

When you reach the white door with a red cross realized I was a little open. About to enter, he heard something that caught his attention.

- ... ber boy, that Belfroma-The concierge spoke to the nurse, when I should be cleaning the floor. And him.

"A pity, really," he said as if nothing white woman "So vital was before, and now ...

-Solo is the shadow of his energy, "said the man. I heard some guys say he had stripped to his girlfriend, the Halmer.

"It was something we saw coming, Jaime" The woman nodded heavily.

Annoyed, Justin opened the door with such force that it badly hit against the wall tiles.

- Who the hell are believed to speak of me?! Who gave them permission, pieces of idiots?! Muéranse! "As he entered, he turned and went into a rage. The tornado emotions raged within him, and began a dark cloud hanging over his head.

Before he knew it, crashed into the ground in a fall blurred, feeling appeared metallic taste in your mouth and listening to the shrill cry of the nurse to leave.

was in his bed. I could tell by the smell of bleach that was in place. Still wearing school clothes.

Down, could hear the screams of his father and the odd cry of his mother.

Going down, hid behind a column, so you do not see him. His father was on the phone, yelling he did not understand, only words in the air as "trapped", "what do you expect?" Between various insults. His mother was sitting in his favorite chair, a very jolly green, his face hidden in her hands while slowly shaking his shoulders.

"You'll wake up our son," she said while lifting her face with imploring eyes, to her husband. This looked at her coldly for a few minutes, but then his expression softened. Hung up slowly and approached his wife to sit beside her and hug her. Hiding his face in her hair, trying to suppress tears.

"I find them," he whispered as he kissed me on the corinilla. "They will pay for what they did to our son, Adrian, I promise. "The woman held in her husband shattered into tears.

Justin looked around as if it were a family of strangers. His mother, who always behaved with neatness and elegance, was disheveled, weeping in the arms of her husband, her father was red with rage and choked back tears. He was to blame for that are affected. That had to end at that very moment, in one way or another.

His father leaned a little more and he whispered something to his wife. She looked at him, confused and hopeful, then nodded quietly.

He hid a little more, being that they had called one of the maids. The older man said something to the lady. Then, made a flurry and his mother by the hand, walked out the door somewhere.

He leaned against the pillar and drifted until he was sitting on the floor, legs in an awkward position and the fair head against the wall.

His stomach was a jumble of feelings, fear, curiosity and disgust. The skin was starting to bother, because I felt, back, dirty. I was hungry, but when eating decayed rapidly, his head ached and his parents were in pieces.

And it was all his fault.

ran upstairs, entered her room and slammed the door. The leather gave off anxiety through the pores and it gave him more repulsive.

eyes welled with tears, of all kinds of fear, anger, disgust. It felt so impure, so dirty that your skin will look like a torture.

This rotten, inside and out.

Why him? Why are their parents?! Why?!

The adrenaline started to flow through your body to the chaos of emotions I had inside. Trembling, like all the time and did not know why. What was needed to get in, or explode.

took the chair that was next to the door, lifted it over his head and threw it across the room.

all pitied him! Everyone! So damn old math! ¿Es que nadie entendía que se sentía sucio? ¿Es que nadie entendía que no quería pensar en ello? ¡Estaba solo y putrefacto!

¡Eso tenía que terminar, ya!

Agarró el perchero con más fuerza de la que era conciente, lo levantó un metro para luego dejarlo caer con todo su ímpetu al suelo, haciendo que pedazos de madera volasen por toda la habitación.

Al darse cuenta de lo que hacía, rugió. Su garganta se rompió. Y lloró, se lanzó sobre su cama y lloró, lleno de desesperación, impotencia y confusión. ¿Qué debía hacer?


Luego de unos momentos, cuando ya no tenía lágrimas ni energía para gritar, escuchó a las mucamas revolverse nerviosas del otro lado de la puerta. Ellas no tenían la culpa. Ni él, ni su padre.

Se metió debajo de la cama, para luego salir con una bolsa. Había llegado el momento de concluir con todo.


Se vistió con lo primero que encontró. Se peinó, por las dudas, y se lavó el rostro, para evitar que cualquiera supiese que había llorado.

Sus padres todavía did not return, so there was no need to inform them of anything.

quickly, taking a jacket and bag, he left his room, down the stairs and went home with a place to target.

walked with his head down the four blocks apart. Upon arrival, the dark alley seemed to laugh at him, mocked his lack of courage. It was not safe to enter, too many memories, the air was heavy, I felt disgust, the bile in your mouth and fear.

But everything must come to an end.

He closed his eyes and walked, PLC, until the end of the alley. Most knew the distance, the competitors had nightmares.

The moon looked from the top, as if it gives its support to the end. The night seemed to wrap him, as if he should ask forgiveness. But he was to blame, they should not ask.

opened the bag and inspected, inside was bloody pieces of cloth and a pair of black shoes to dry spots.

was where there were traces of dried blood, which seemed to glow eerily, as if to welcome. We get to see . That was his blood. Dirty blood, shed for people touched and unclean, who had become a thing, a shell also filthy, disgusting, I could not sleep. Impure blood that ran through his memoirs, which ran inside and made him feel dirty.

With the greatest of pique, threw the clothes on the red spot, covering his terrifying wink. With a match on, did what he should have done long ago.

clothes slowly caught the smell of burning and smoke were not a nuisance, it was into his world. With the clothes, all her memories were cremated. But even they began to be only ashes, she felt dirty. Why? The memories were still there, lurking with increasing force. Where to look, a ghost greeted him from the shadows and horrified by his hair bristling and his mind to remember.

Why was dirty? The disgust was stalking her body, becoming stronger, and could not repress.

Desperate, he began to mourn. He had been killed that night, with their filthy hands and sins. The worms turned out of their flesh, to travel the skin on your journey each day.

needed cleaned feeling pure, as before.

His blood was to blame. Licked by the shame and humiliation. That was the worst, it was inside him, suffocating him, he caught and could not free her. Should disappear so that all that ended. For everything to return to be as before and there remains no mark. Forget all, and there would be evidence. And he would be free, to be clean.

looked around, dominated by the folly of their idea, pushed to the repulsion that gave him his own body. He had drawn that it was unclean, he did suffer. There in the corner of the alley, shining, calling him a bottle of wine. It seemed that someone had taken pity on him, leaving him free from the chains that bound him dirt.

took her by the neck, with longing and care, and then crash it into the ground furiously, causing the glass to break into a million pieces that were ejected in all directions, seeking rest in the dark corners of the alley. In their flight, some touched his hands and face, slicing finely, like a sigh broke your skin. Blood began to emanate from small wounds, breaking through the moved slowly. And that felt good, clean and pure. It seemed that the blood, get out, sanitized.

took what remained of the bottle, looking for the finer pieces, took a prominent, bright-tip, who yearned to burrow into your skin.

lifted the sleeves of his jacket and looked at his white skin. But while no one else saw, he could see the fingerprints, saliva. His skin was vibrating, begging for mercy, air and hygiene. And he would not be denied it.

pressing the glass with his left hand, buried the material in his right arm uncovered. She bit her lip to keep from screaming in pain. But that did not compare to what I was getting. It moved up, to her wrist, groaning with pain but seeing his martyrdom from another perspective, would be clean. Through tears, he saw as blood trickled from the wound, knowing a new world, having no borders, and on his way taking away the filth of your skin, leaving it open slowly.

victory A chuckle escaped his lips. Almost, almost.

He took the glass and grabbed her arm with his other hand. Nailed it with more determination than before, near the elbow, to be a larger channel, and brought with energy, to the wrist, to remove in the same way.

red channels in his arms released this elixir that made him feel good. The pain did not matter, his arms were fresh and trembled. All of it was vibrating in anticipation.

felt as the air moved into the wounds and almost could moan with pleasure for it. He felt dizzy, and assumed it was the fatigue. Perhaps and I could sleep in peace. He leaned against the wall, then glide to the ground and stay there with your legs bent and purification channels exposed.

Her eyes felt heavy.

Yes, maybe I could sleep well.


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