challenge requirements. ¤
Type: Original . ¤
Context: Based on the following image:
¤ Specifications: The extension will be of 497 words. Margin of error for a single word (one more or one less), as usual. And there is an indication this time: the story must be told in person.
Photography is owned by The Egg
The data should contain every challenge:
¤ Subjet: Nick del Autor.
¤ Título: Es opcional. El relato puede o no tener título.
¤ Link: La dirección del sitio al cual han subido el reto.
¤ Advertencias: Se especificará si la historia tiene algún tipo de advertencia, ya sea de género, de tipo de parejas, etc.
¤ Palabras: De cuantas palabras consta el relato.
¤ Resumen: También es opcional. Algunos relatos muy cortos puede que no posean resumen. Pero siempre ayuda a atraer a los lectores.
¤ Día de publicación: Day that was published the story.
Note: Remember that only I can see your post.
¤ Author: kirscheh
¤ Title: Walker
Warnings ¤: ¤
--- Words: 498
¤ Summary: ---
¤ Publication Date: 21/07
¤ Title: Road Warnings
¤: ¤
--- Words: 497
¤ Abstract: --- ¤
Publication Date: 21/07
¤ Title: Walking
¤ Warnings: ---
¤ Words: 497
¤ Summary: ---
¤ Publication Date: 21 / 07
¤ Author: rochy_true
¤ Title: Insane
¤ Warnings: any
¤ Words: 497
¤ Abstract: When he went to the side, the others were doing the opposite. ¤
Publication Date: 20/07
¤ Author: nahiara_hime
¤ Title: No has
¤ Warnings: None. ¤
Words: 497
¤ Abstract: Naive, even looking into the street and believes that see it again. ¤
Publication Date: July 21
¤ Title: Road ¤ abandoned
Warnings: None. ¤
Words: 497
¤ Summary: None. ¤
Publication Date: July 21
¤ Total Challenges: 6
¤ New Users: 0 Requirements
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