Sunday, July 27, 2008

Neon Genesis Evangelion Antidepressants

"Justin" - Epilogue

Chapter: Three of Three.
Gender: Horror / suspense paranormal.
Words: 384 (the cap).
Raiting: T.
Warnings: Violence .

: Summary: Eternally
perfect, unique unstoppable, immensely ... boring. For him, life was an empty routine, almost without grace, no matter what happens, for the size never changed. He was the idyllic and if it ended, then there was only death.

- Part - Epilogue


Esa mañana el sol estaba en todo lo alto. El meteorólogo de la televisión presagiaba altas temperaturas y ninguna precipitación en el resto del día. Justin apagó el aparato y se volvió hacia su bolso, en donde metió dos libretas y una guía. Se lo colocó en el hombro y, dándose a quick look in the mirror in the room to check his image, left the apartment where he lived for seven months.

walked the streets at a slow pace. He was early, so there was no chance of being late University. It had become independent from their parents and got a lowly job that paid enough to stay. Had moved out of town, very far, because the other would never grow and overcome anything. Preferred to become a new person in front of strangers, because in their eyes never see the hint of shame or the awful memories that no longer wanted to name give. He had suffered enough by around himself and to continue hurting without finding a solution.

- Justin! "I called a female voice from behind.

He turned and saw Mia approaching towards him. She had been a classmate, and now, besides, it was also his girlfriend. A girl in stature and black hair and smoothed hair tip. He kissed her in greeting, with a slight tightness in my stomach and feeling sweaty hands.

The heat- the devil, do not you think? "She smiled and extended his hand.

Justin hesitated a few seconds, taking a glimpse of the past who wanted to erase. The nerves had vanished starting under their will and gathering more of her, took her hand and squeezed it affectionately. Although physical contact was still hard to feel, every day was closed less and lived longer. Without knowing it, helped him overcome Mine.

-Up're sweating, "she continued, but they both knew was due to another reason. My suspicion, perhaps, but never opened his mouth and Justin thanked him for his prudence.

"True ... But look there are clouds that portend rain. "He pointed his finger. Crazy weather ... "And she laughed with her.

nightmares were disappearing, soon would end.



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