Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why Does Alabama Have A 12 On Their Helmet?

"Justin" - Part

Chapter: Two of Three.
Género: Terror/suspenso paranormal.
Palabras: 4,995 (el cap).
Raiting: T.
Advertencias: Violencia.

Eternamente perfecto, inigualablemente imparable, inmensamente… aburrido. Para él la vida era una rutina vacía, casi sin gracia, no importaba que sucediera, para la dimensión jamás se cambiaba. Él era lo idílico y si eso terminaba, entonces sólo quedaba la muerte.

Primera Parte - Segunda Parte - Epílogo

Chapter Two :

The smell of wet grass filled his lungs. His face was buried in it, and detailing. I felt the taste of dirt and blood, in a blow in his mouth.

He realized I was pulled, the entire length of its body in a field. Suddenly, he remembered what had happened in the alley.

He leaned on his arms, which no longer ached, and he raised his torso and head. In the process, opened his eyes and had to re-lock, and as the sun dazzled.

His arms did not bear their weight, weak, and fell face to the floor, back. Her body felt numb, as if he had stayed in bad shape, he realized that every muscle in your body were in the same situation. But I had to figure out where I was and why.

contracted muscles of the arms and rose again, now with the eyes a little more accustomed to the sun. He realized he was on top of a hill. The sky, sky, shining brightly and almost no clouds. Suddenly, he realized that someone was watching. Or something.

All around, a blue bird staring at him. Her black eyes and torn kept an eye that could make any movement, sat in the grass wet with dew. Was rather wet his pants, his shoes dirty but only the front, as if the sky had fallen and had been buried in the ground. In fact, after he had a couple holes that matched with their shoes.

ignored the pain and stood up. I keep watching birds, you realize that in fact his eyes are red with a small white spot, which must be the pupil. Remember

happened. He should be dead, or perhaps it was heaven. Hell because he had nothing.

Below, in a somewhat remote valley, a small village there. Roofs, brown, old streets, I saw some people wandering around, but no more.

The birds were getting nervous. I could almost say that it looked hungry, or something.

Behind him was a thick forest and a little scary, the situation seemed hilarious, as the landscape itself made him remember the stories recounted her mother's boy.

suddenly and against all predictions, it started raining. Despite being dressed, was not warm and can get cold. Or maybe he would not, but better safe than sorry.

From running to the town, get wet again, so I decided to take refuge in the forest. Through the branches of trees, could not see even a ray of sun and may not even get wet. To get through the logs, it was proposed observe the damage. His shirt had stains clear dark uncommon in the rain. Or maybe it looked like because of the lighting of the place.

Looking beyond the branches, up the hill, realized that the birds had disappeared, there was no trace of them among the trees and looking at the sky, nor see them, or between the glasses of the trees or the clouds ... red.

Then he realized what that color was raining, everything was red. The grass was stained crimson tones and the land around it as well.

Frightened, he got más entre los troncos grises, algunos caídos y las ramas que se enredaban en su cabello y arañaban su rostro.

En todo el recorrido no se había topado con ningún animal, ni una pobre ardilla, y nada daba evidencias de que algo allí viviese o pudiese hacerlo.

De repente, atrás suyo, sintió un movimiento y se percató que un arbusto se agitaba. Seguramente, algo había caído.

Se acercó, para averiguar qué era ese algo. Pero antes de que llegase siquiera a observarlo, de entre las ramas se alzó en toda su altura, una cosa negra y amorfa pero que, en un parpadeo, tenía rostro, manos y piernas.

His face was dark and horribly familiar, that adorned all his nightmares. The legs and arms moved as if he had a chill through, and his dark eyes locked on him.

was damn who had dared to touch it, apparently, had tracked him there.

In his mind, a situation had been armed. The only bastard and he in front, strong and full of resentment. At the end of this fantasy, no one could recognize the damned, the beatings, blood and bruises, and he came out unscathed.

But at that moment, all that fit in his head was that I had to get away from him, while the taste of bile rose in her throat and ran his mouth. His trachea was jammed into his neck and not let him scream. I was paralyzed.

When he realized it was running by the time the man had moved toward him, threatening, tempted to do so. But the further they went, more things started to fall the treetops and, when he stared, he found they were familiar faces. They were all there. And they were surrounded.

howled in terror. He ran hard and broke through them, pushing them. But he knew he would chase like a cat to a mouse.

appeared in front of him a familiar face, but his face was dark, cold and serious. And her lips were an expression of disgust that never thought to see reflected in it, and he did. His father looked imperious and repulsion.

A could keep their eyes fill with tears, humiliation and fear. His father did not love him.

He turned to run for some place, but appeared more shadows around taking the form of his beloved mother, all hid his face and his shoulders shaking, and then lift it and look with pity and disgust. His beloved mother hated it.

- No! Yelled, destroyed from within. Roared and broke through them, trying to run away from that place so dark.

On the sides of your way while running, appeared million Laila who cried and yelled things like "people talk", "I feel dirty," as he tried to ignore them and keep running.

belforma Sir, can not be more pathetic, "said his math teacher-.Deje to mourn, sir belforma shouted and then started laughing macabre, taunting him.

In the distance, the shadows of the trees, it appeared people who pointed, laughed and talked about him.

left the forest as fast as his feet were. He ran to where her legs led him.: For the village. Surely someone would help.

Behind him, all followed him, some of its members, their faces and torsos were a deep black with no borders, that seemed to degenerate into disappear around, but those parts were interspersed depending on how close it was. The closest full threatened him with their fists in the air and shouting things that do not hear them. What crazy world had fallen?

He realized that the rain had stopped, but in its place a metallic smell was salty, not even the plants around it gave evidence of the strange precipitation.

blue birds flying over the village, but when he came (to the entourage back) began to move away as fast as possible. Started screaming for help, however seemed not listening. From a distance where I was, I happened to see people stop, looking towards the sky raising their hands, while saying something, the children, however, were kneeling with his head between his hands and touching the ground.

shouted, again, for help, almost without a voice so rough it was. One group, which was near the edge of the village turned, with the face of horror on their faces. Until one reacted to scream unintelligible things.

The people looked towards him and then began to scream with terror and despair running in all directions. The children howled llamando a sus madres y las madres a sus hijos;   los hombres corriendo a sus hogares gritando por sus familiares. Para cuando él puso un pie en las calles, aún perseguido por esos seres, todas las puertas estaban cerradas.

Se abalanzó sobre la primera que vio y empezó a gritar, mientras golpeaba. Pero nadie respondía.

Se percató que unas cuantas personas también quedaron a fuera y estaban en la misma situación que él; uno era un hombre, que estaba arrodillado frente a una puerta, sollozando y aullando para que le abran. En una esquina, una niña le gritaba a pleno pulmón, llamando a su madre, diciendo que quería enter and I was afraid. A young man a few years older than he was resigned, sitting against a door with his head buried in his arms.

All around, things started taking these strange shapes, some nonsense, some something macabre and other children but dark. He was cornered by a few, in a circle and then they pounced on him. We were playing again! Screamed with all his might, until his throat could not stand.

Suddenly, the pressure of his body was falling. He opened his eyes in fear, expecting something worse. But no. Those things only faces away comparable to him just now. The eyes of these beings are focused on one man, approaching solemn bearing, high and with his left hand, a blue flame torch. This seemed to shine for the cold rather than hot, but their fiery tongues fiercely illuminated and its light was burning in the shadows who dared to be illuminated by it. Within seconds, there was no one around. Kneeling

and full of gratitude, the man thanked her for help, offering what you want. But this went away in disgust and fear without allowing, if you want, touch him. He was perplexed, shocked and quiet and on the ground.

Minutes later, when there was no noise and silence ruled all over the place, people began to leave their homes, fearful, pale and full of fear. The women wore on their arms to children, protecting them. The men came with guns, threatening, looking for enemies. The seniors were fascinated by the obscure but neat skirts of their mothers, teenagers carrying objects close to their families if they need protection.

dread I had those things.

People who had been left out (man, girl and young) avoided looking at people and avoiding people closer. I feared, looked on with disgust, as if they were vomiting.

Suddenly a woman with her child in her arms crying and hiding her face in her neck, he said, then shouted:

- He was! He appealed to the people! He and his impurity! "Her screams were heard all over the place, plunging into the ears of everyone. The creature in his arms began to mourn heartbreakingly, while his mother's eyes filled with tears and fear.

Slowly, as if they were hard to understand what he had said the woman, people began to look very similar expressions. Repulsion, disgust, terror. The MIAB with the worst of it felt disgust and therefore dirty and humiliated.

-Tainted a man shouted, while pointing a stick and looked at the other, urging him to follow his example.

The next second, a mass of people yelling things that did not understand, insults, "impure", "filthy rat." Horrible.

Among them, blew up a stone toward you and then many more. Was protected, and fortunately none of them did.

- Basta! "The man who had arrived with the torch held up his hand, solemn, stopping the noise. "This young man, before his condition and situation, will be judged by the Elders if impure or not. And like everyone else!

Making its way, with elegant and impressive progress, a group of elders emerged from the crowd and approached the man with the torch. There were five. Aged appearance, but with bright eyes, as if his soul were much younger than he was his body.

Through beatings with sticks and ropes, afraid to touch them, other people took to the circle of which he era el eje, rodeado por gente; se trataban de los otros que habían sido perseguidos por las sombras. La niña, de casi diez años, lloraba desesperadamente mientras llamaba a su madre, y la buscaba con la mirada; la mujer evitaba mirarla y se escondía entre la gente. El hombre miraba a la nada, en shock, mientras murmuraba algo constantemente, pidiendo clemencia a alguien que no estaba allí. Y un joven, el que era algo mayor que él, lo miraba con una mezcla de desprecio y curiosidad, mientras sonreía pérfidamente.

—Llévenlos a los confesionarios—ordenó el hombre que, parecía, era el líder.

Si previo aviso, le tiraron a noose around the neck and another around the body in order to immobilize it. It felt like a fucking lamb went to slaughter. They took him, jostling and insults, some cells within a huge house full of idols that raised a prayer to heaven, some expressions were mad, others sad and other innocents. Where the hell was?

The air seemed to whisper in place, running around like snakes in search of their prey, and the shrieks ornaments, giving it a sadistic and scary.

three days holed up there. I hardly ate, but gave a lot of water. He had a mound of straw for him, full of mites in a cold damp corner in a stone room, for prisoners and the courts.

He was accompanied on the site, the same people who had suffered like him in that circle.

The first day was spent in the best of the silences, all I could hear were the cries of the girl and the man whispers. The other guy was busy weaving straw things with her mound. Ate something he preferred not to know the name and had corn flavor.

On the second day, after a horrible night full of nightmares and body, the boy spoke. It was early morning so it seemed, because he had not taken the breakfast (which was a loaf of dry bread and a bucket of water). The only words he spoke were:

"You really are impure, then laughed.

did not know how much time had passed, but the silence settled between them. When took the bread, the boy ate greedily, but he, accustomed to other things, he was resettled to eat, but very hungry and decided to do as he could.

- Where are you from? "Asked and then get a piece of bread and then a long drink of water." For it is a fact that you're not from around here, but you would not have made so many idioteces. "A cold laugh came from his lips moist.

I looked for a few minutes trying to figure out whether to answer or not.

opted for:

"Not sure, all I know is that I lay on top of the hill He lowered his head, he also wondered many things. Had questioned his sanity, even considering the fact of having lived maybe in another world and now I was home. Wondered many things, but none revealed something. Only knew that he must be dead. - What is this? He asked, trying to change the subject "I say, because I do not understand what is happening, what were the things that haunted me?

The boy looked at him for a few minutes, trying to figure out if, indeed, did not know what he was doing there or whether he was making a joke. He stayed with the first option.

"It's hard and long to explain," he said ambiguously. Glanced around the small room as if asking permission from the walls to say: "If you want, I'll explain everything, but it will take time," Justin nodded frequently and forcefully. And wanted to know if it was as long as I said, maybe keep him entertained for not thinking too much.

"In the village of Carriarcas, the only one for miles around, he added, will praise the Lord Pravusin, god of purity and all good. He, through his powers from falling into the Pandemonium, where would be tortured until the end of days, being unclean and committing sacrilege. He breathed deeply and asked: - Did you see the red rain?-Justin nodded pensativo. "It's the blood falls from the sky once a week, different days and surprise: it is the blood of those who sinned, which is poured out to cleanse the earth to the pure clay who is wet with it, end up being sacrificed for sin has played "The boy laughed and said pointing to his shirt spotted:" You if you have no chance. Well, always after the rain you have to leave to thank Pravusin his goodness and ask for forgiveness and purity, well, the sacrifices are always made three days after Blood.

"But ... what are the things that chasing me?

- Shadows? "Frowned for a second-Pravusin not come down to our valley, as we are not even worthy to see His Supremacy He smiled slyly, as he said. It seemed, it mattered little that god ... "But like us, immortals, and dirt can not see the filth of others, sends Shadow to you to show those who commit sin.

"But this girl ... a sin?" Questioned. It seemed incredible that anyone considers that a child, which seemed, had never even thought of something wrong, is a heretic.

"He was afraid, a true believer would not fear the shadows or anything, and they do not affect him.

- They are afraid that the torch! "She said.

"Yes Shadow deliberately attack anyone, believer or not. are evil and need to see blood running from time to time, blood pure and clean. The point is that point to the heretics, so we can send them to him was the Exile. Before each ceremony of Exile, is given to drink of the common people purified water with the blood of a young virgin, "he said, macabre. Justin opened his eyes with apprehension: this was a crazy world, definitivamente. "Besides, the torch is called Andimenta sent by Pravusin for our leader to control them, and so avoid being hurt.

"The leader said, before Justin could interrupt, is recognized by the fact that birds do not attack.

- Birds? - Those who had been in the field?

"Yes, they are blue. They were also sent by Pravusin in order to find out who is the leader after the previous dies. All men, then twenty years, are attacked by these birds, they lay eggs infertile in food. That causes the body to be wearing out faster. Did you see the elderly, the Elders? "He nodded, interested. He had seen "The oldest is only four decades. Most die at fifty years, not so with women and the leader.

- Why Pervusin sent ... "asked.

-Pravusin corrected him with a soft laugh. In order to know where our leader is the price you pay. Women live longer time because none of them, ever, could be a leader.

"Now, what will happen to us?" I was afraid to ask, but needed to know.

"Maybe we are all exiles. But I do not think she told the girl his head is. Perhaps the use of sacrifice or something.

- No chance of getting out alive? "Gulped.

"Very few times has it been left free to anyone-claimed, without much concern, assuming the idea of never seeing the light.

The afternoon passed in banal remarks. Justin avoided much tell the boy about his life. When asked his name said in amusement, "you do not tell me where you come from, I would not say my name."

When night fell, everyone settled into their mound. It cost him sleep, was stirred in the straw for a while, thought about what will surely bring. It remained, still hopes to live. But not here. In addition, the memories did not bother him during the day. Perhaps, and I could sleep well.

it was forced to leave the mind blank.

I awoke in the night, while beating him with sticks with sharp points, which acted as whips. Despite trying to avoid them, it continued to beat, harder perhaps, and felt that they were increasingly more rods.

Among the hits he felt sharp, burning skin, I could hear the prayer of voices that seemed to come from another room, as if only hear them, as if whispering in his ear as he mistreated. Could be heard clearly, including cortes del aire de las varillas, los susurros llenos de insultos de los hombres que lo lastimaban, y los chillidos propios y los de los demás dentro de la celda, un cántico monótono que decía “con la sangre de los sucios, con las almas herejes entregadas al Juicio por el dios Pravusin, el que nuestra tierra sea siempre pura, que el cielo se convierta en nuestro hogar y que los demonios se alejen de nuestros hogares”.

Cuando ya casi no podía moverse por culpa de los golpes y el dolor, lo tomaron con firmeza de los brazos, con gruesos guantes para evitar contaminarse con él. Le hicieron unos finos cortes y que a penas sangraban a través de lo largo del brazo. Ardían como los mil demonios. Then, from a jar, took balls of mud and passed through wounds. "With the Pure Land, played by Pravusin, with the water blessed by His blood and blood purifying sinners, we try to make your flesh, your blood and pure soul, to achieve your freedom!".

After that, they retreated into silence. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times to dry your tears (to do with your hands, would get land in the eyes), looked at the others: the man was still in the corner, as always, and wept silently. The girl wailed hysterically as she writhed on the straw, asking for forgiveness and I did not understand. Instead, the guy I spoke was not smiling, but he was cleaning the mud with some straw, and he did the same.

spent two waking hours, everything was white. Fear stalked the borders of your mind and paying attention knew, would be terrified and nerves go crazy. When did sleep, he felt he was in the midst of a fog that kept him moving, just thinking, but not clearly.

in the morning with a bucket of red water, "purified", grumbled one man. Lacked air for a second, its was cold and wet clothing, the straw flew around him, as I ordered the liquid filling the stone floor of the plant.

Wet, cold and shivering, and attentive, full of adrenaline, forced him to walk into a chapel inside the house where they were.

The place was a sleek white spotting, by the water reddish covering. Benches were venerated marble altar of the same material, which had inscriptions in relief in a language they know. This rose, omnipotent, about three steps uneven banks of the altar (in which he and the other two were kneeling) on it, sleeping girl, wearing a simple white dress. His face was relaxed, not as the previous night.

Everything was strange, was comparable to an extreme worship center. If not for the color, I could almost pretend to be macabre, holed out to the walls, the idols that adorned the place made secure his skin crawl. Her eyes looked cold and hard, with disgust. In addition, many of them pointed out, blaming him for something he did not understand. Maybe it was dirty, maybe she deserved what they were doing. But they were all brilliant, were symbols of purity, that was the right thing.

Then he should not be there.

A Priest, who looked the oldest, went to the altar. Opposite him, and looking towards him, greeted all those present, who sat in the pews, with a nod and a few words, to which everyone responded the same way. After a prayer to heaven, imploring something, while the other priests with him singing his words. "Get this body clean of shame carnal Pravusin, purifies the soul of this dark and Give him your blessing." Rose on the girl's body, which was waking up, blinking slowly getting used to the light, a white dagger, silver, and sharp. The girl's scream filled the place, infecting people with his horror. The clothes of the priest, of a long white dress and carrying the girl took a crimson color. The girl's eyes slowly turned opaque, the cry choked in his throat. Her hands no longer moved, and his legs twitched. object sank into his stomach, opening a channel to the first ribs. After leaving the knife on a silver tray that had approached one of the priests, introduced his two hands into the lifeless body, to get wild the heart, energy and fluid movement, showing stronger than expected for someone with the body and of aging. Exposed him as a trophy to all who prayed a prayer, kneeling on the marble, which, in disgust, Justin not come to understand. I could taste again the bile in your throat, burning, and feel your stomach churn.

The tender body was deposited in a golden platter, while the priest who had done all the ritual, approached them with vacant eyes and an expression automaton. He spent his bloody hands in the face of the man, who groaned in despair as if it were a divine touch, a sigh of Pravusin just for him.

Next came Justin. Hands, still covered by the warm liquid, slipped on his face and, despite trying to avoid touching icky, sticky, unresponsive body, her mind to run away screaming, but her legs would not obey. Suppressed an arch against the walls of his mouth. The smell, taste, suffocating him, but at the same time, he was clean. As ever. Was performed similar to the effect that alcohol on the skin, as if the wind made sense, as if something was stroked and so clean that glistened. Supported

hands on the floor, his head was spinning, the stomach also. There was something strange in the air, heavy and sweet smoke that clouded.

felt, between the cloud was in his mind, as he took arms, with that big glove, and carried it out. The sun tore the ground and burned his eyes, so he had to narrowed. I could not think clearly, it was as if the brain had taken a vacation.

realized, later, it was firmly tied to a tree dry, splinters in your arms and hands, which were tied behind his back. He realized that it rose, and her eyes, as usual, went al cielo. Sentía, no, sabía que tenía que decir algo, pero no sabía el qué.

Miró, entre el humo de su cabeza, a la gente, que lo miraba inmutable. Los Sacerdotes, alrededor de él y de los otros dos, decían algo que no comprendía. Sólo veía sus labios moverse de la misma forma. De entre la multitud, el hombre que lo había salvado, el líder, se acercaba con la antorcha azul, elegantemente. Dijo algo con fuerza, pero no comprendió su significado, y luego pasó las llamas azules entre las maderas que tenía cerca, repitiendo la misma acción con los otros dos. Pero en cuando tocaba la madera, las lenguas azules se tornaban rojizas.

When the fire began to lick his feet, his mind cleared and had no choice but to scream in agony, for help. I could hear, on their own, the cries of pain of the other young, while the man was praying something out loud, so much so that his throat was torn.

The fiery passed his tongue over his legs, dried, exposed flesh and caused him a burning hell. A terrible pain that almost swamped her eyes with tears and his throat howls.

looked at people, asking to stop their suffering, but there was nobody.

But what I could see was these beings, Shadow, stoking the fire while laughing macabre, aided by his friends, whom he liked them. Laila pointed it out and was laughing, her parents avoided eye. His mathematics teacher rejoiced in pain, as he said, between her screams and laughter, "Who rules now, Justin? You do not! ".

Fire kissed, at that time, his chest. It penetrated into their bodies gently, and scratching around mercilessly. Almost could not breathe and smell about him was nauseating.


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