Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Covering Letter For Hygiene/therapy Students


Today I tried to think without getting dramatic without me or hurt, no pain, no anger ... Brian does not deserve it and I did the other day dust. After the long, sweet ride we took last night on the beach today I finally said I was going to face my back to calm.

I think when one of us is hurt, it automatically makes the other and that is what ma s painful to know that the person you love suffer. And I go (and I have a bad) to remember things I'd said that sé que son imposibles de momento, pero si   hago padecer a Brian me siento el ser más ruin del mundo.


Bueno, después de respirar profundamente y de leer el correo que tenía acabo de enterarme de algo y si, más me vale que me lo tome con mucha, muchísima tranquilidad y paciencia. Sin drama ni gilipolleces, sin decir que me quiero volver, sin tonterías ¡Lo que le faltaba a Brian! Cuando se entere de que mi próxima exposición vuelve a ser con Tom no imagino la face to wear. I dread to think.

I spoke with Patrick and told him to two alternatives that were not always Tom. I did not think the other show that I take much Masy before he would make a presentation at another of its galleries, a more important, better, but I told him do not ever close anything without me. If you do not talk to him first nothing to close a deal ... Nothing!

Not that I rely, is very professional, if the first time I asked a favor or media does not have to do it now. But to take no surprises I have asked that the next meeting was postponed for next week. I will not call until it reaches a NY I stayed in it with him.

The truth is that when I finished the foregoing discussion with Tom, and had wanted then repeat with he asked me, but I settled for another gallery so long to give Again ... it's complicated. I'll have to learn to deal with my "favorite gallery" if I have problems.

Now we just have to find a way to tell Brian, a few days ago was furious with him, to see how we expose the problem ... that's going to be a problem but do not tell me.

Although I know I can not love anyone else.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wedding Wording For Deceased Family


I know I will die. You may walk, to succeed, which I got involved with influential people and even pretend I wanted other men already. But what will walk my body, the physical part of Justin fucking Taylor Kinney ... My spirit, my soul, my life, all that longing and that I feel is vital to be sleeping in the old Pittsburg . My soul will go off to remind each and every time I stopped on the way ...

A birthday My husband, one that will alone. That flu that left him with thirty-nine of fever and two kilos less. A Father's Day with Gus. That megacuenta that ended with a bash that left him two days knackered. His first gray hair. The horrific day of jealousy you have to bear when exposed to Tom and he is not. Every bad time to be borne without me being at your side to take in my arms and comfort, ease their pain, pamper your heart.

I've always been bad, I've always needed to be with him and I think that long ago that I regretted having left his side. But it's late and I can not go back and I want beside me, inside me, in my neck whispering his love and can not bear the anxiety and I know I want to scream, I scream crazy please do not ask me again to NY to not take it, I'm weaker than you think.

a while ago while he was on his computer I've gone for a walk. I've gone so far as I could -taking into account is the tiny island and turning on me there was no one ... and let my voice come out angry, to say things that I will not say never. "No, I will not go, do not want, I can not, I can not, I will not paint, take me, oblígame not leave me again, I'm dying of fear, fear of having you stop , fear of re-up every morning weary of my solitude and embarrassed you are forced to live a lifelong loneliness. "

I know that to succeed Brian has left everything on the road. I know I gave everything for me, changed his life, he gave a way never thought I haríay now when I heard say he does not want me to go, I want at his side, he loves me more than quisera, which held the desire to ask me everything and I let him go with him ... I feel I have lost strength.

I did not think I never would say, or do not feel so deep ... I swear I do not know what I thought. But the other night turned his soul into my being as I had never done, since I'm in NY not ever let me feel your pain. I felt, I came to corazóny, though it was I who was bleeding, in the end, the couple of days ... I'm desperate, I need to get back out and shout, to go crazy with my eyes swollen without é ; l noticing. Yes, I know I'm a fucking dyke, a dramma-queen, but I want someone to tell me when to let me regain that on the road while I become a famous painter.

not remember the times I had asked in marriage, I really only remember one, the first. I never realized how much he affected my rejection, but at that moment I could not let him fall into a first thought then repent. No change in one day, one does not give you back your soul in time ... I knew que me quería y sin embargo también sabía que necesitaba follar a otros tíos. Cerré los ojos a tantas cosas que eran secundarias por más daño que me hicieran… por que estaban en su naturaleza. Formaban parte de él. Eran él. Eran contrarias al compromiso del matrimonio.


Pero me equivoqué, no cambió en horas… ya había cambiado. Ya era otro y sólo necesitó que algo lo push. A bomb. And let him out of my apartment with a pain that would not disappear from your soul, I did go with my negative ... also why would scream.

speak, we pour our soul the other night, but I know that I'll never spend a day in the Great City without dying a little every minute that I'll leave it alone. Because I know that he dies every minute that passes without me ...

I think I'm going to walk again, I grow my soul in your throat, pour my tears into the sea, and when he returns, smiling. I can not I make him suffer, and suffer every day from a distance ... with my hundred miles.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Play Cubefield Unblocked Game


When you come here you have the feeling that you in paradise. The sand is fine and white, not just sticks, water is so clear, so clear and yet so absolutely quiet and peaceful that it seems that any time you go to wake up ... does not seem to be be real.

But five days ago we arrived.

Only nine to return to face with reality.

Well, so far I have succeeded in clarifying an important issue, I have to know the reason why Brian did not seem to find my Situació n with Tom and it was not the millionaire art dealer did not care a damn. Yes, I admit that the thought that Tom did not care the least made me go back to the center of which was my personal hell. I wanted to be cared, hate, and hated in his day, the feeling that I am a coin for use. It's stupid, I know, but sometimes still need to see him worried, knowing that she cares, not wanting to share me with other men and when, as happened now, the reaction takes I get angry, I scared and start to sink.

wanted to give me space, independence, show me that he trusted me and knew I would solve this. While I believe in silence drink so much bile that can never again see Tom without departing from its side. It has ended up hating it, I'm happy although I know it's partly my fault.

I could not keep it to myself, at first wanted to bite my tongue and hide gallery that good again ... want to fuck even more a relationship, he tried to steal rubbing, kissing, fondling ... but my husband every major issue that has been in our relationship has been for a misunderstanding. Always there have been at something that the other shut up you could damage and the truth is that this time will not jeopardize our stability as a couple. It has consisted much get, we deserve it, we have suffered as demons and anything that must go back to Pittsburg skewer.

Back to Pittsburgh ...

Within ten days I'll be back only in NY and my husband will Pitsburg again. I know that the apartment is amazing and it will be our second home, but our home is in Britin. For more comfort you have, for more contemporary and welcoming Brian arranged it for me personally when I think of my happiness my soul takes me straight to Britin.

The owner of Babylon again, surrounding children inadvertently come out one day hear the exploits of the legend . He tries I'm not of much account, to pass as no great importance ... until I go and see them. I see my husband licking chase, hoping for a little attention. Then it touches a blond boy and I am ... and I understand.

But for now I'll leave lulled by the extravagant pampering my husband, I give everything that I know that soon I be impossible. That physical love every several days we look forward we can allow each other.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pregnant Denise Milani

Well we are in Belize, a heavenly place where you will end our long honeymoon. And not that I'm very happy with Brian, not today, but as I suppose I can not do anything silent and wait.

silence did not seem right that Tom had declared me his feelings, which would have made me see that nothing would happen to have a relationship so many things well. But given that he gives a shit, it seems that I should worry about being honest with him.

far been shown to go that extra sensitive to any time ... I guess it has given me space and freedom ... that was like telling a "I trust you, do the Right Thing" but not when I put a post wanting to talk about it ... that what he needed to have imported.

And here I'm trying to enjoy a smile profiden fifteen days I'll have it. Wanting to hold on while he slips through my fingers without remedy. While in the depths of my heart a Jiminy Cricket fucking whispers that you should ask and demand an explanation. Should not spend these weeks angry that the time I spend with him is precious. Is scarce, it is hard ... no, no I have to stop running but how do you do when you see that he has spent as much exposure to the sobeteos undeterred and other nonsense and has no intention n to re-shoot the issue.

Brian does not like to say it but right now I feel like a fucking idiot trying to be sincere with something you do not want to know. In fact I think he does not care how I feel indifference, do not even think.

And while I'm still hanging around the fact that at some point return to portray Tom and I would not have mattered to Brian ... now equals. I must be stupid if I ever thought I'd find a to support this. He met Ethan that in the depths of his soul, I still believe him. But Tom is different ... do not know why but it is.

guess it's my fault that at some point I behave a ... I misbehave.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

มกราคม 2010


Well, I should say that yesterday was a wonderful day and all that they say. But no, I'd be lying, yesterday was one of those very long hours of work in you know you are going to look very closely, in which you play it all in a while, the work of months locked up in minutes.

But that was not the worst, I have days locked up in the gallery, is what happens when you leave a month to Europe about to expose. Days almost without seeing Brian, days without sleep, without rest for a minute and just on the last day, at the worst time when I feel more nervous and more focused need appears to be ... Tom.

And appears ten minutes there! Appears at ten o'clock to see the owner of the galeríay offered to help me what I want, making eyes with a sweet smile. Lo cierto es que seguí con lo mío, tenía demasiado trabajo para estar pendiente de él. Pero en cuanto había un motivo por el que sin querer se pudiera rozar ¡zas! Ahí estaba su culo, su cadera o su mano… seguida de una disculpa si era muy evidente.


Si, es cierto, no le importaba ayudarme a lo que fuera mientras me atosigaba a preguntas del tipo… “¿Qué tal la boda?    ¿Cómo is that you get married? you ought to be awesome! Do you got married ...? How was Europe? Do you know Justin? a man like you do not need to marry for a ride to Europe ... "to what at one point I had to respond. I went to eat and of course invite me ... Oh my God! They took the opportunity to say yes, I married, I was crazy for Brian, you do not, no home to go to Paris or Rome. But although I had loved had married just like my husband. He grinned at me polite and understanding and very innocently (and shit) said:

- is clear ... How long have you been together?

- Just over six years, I satisfied.

- Go! Three months ago, so loved ... said of resignation, resignation fake face. Like today and tomorrow ... no matter what I would love the same, I guess.

- Tom, dije, sabes lo bien que me caes, sé que eres buena persona pero no hagas eso ¿Vale? Para ahí. Me levanté y volví al trabajo.


Hubo algo muy extraño, Brian, quiero decir que no llamó en todo el día. Nada, ni una sola llamada.   Pero estaba tan atareado que pensé en llamarlo al acabar y seguí. Lo que no supe es que me había llamado cuatro veces y a alguien se le olvidó to tell me.

At one point I slipped a hand table, the table wobbled and "some mysterious place," appeared " my savior "or Tom. I grabbed her under the arms and took a very strong side of the picture, hung it and at one point came to my account, that's it ... we are here ... I thought ;.


-         Escucha, sé que no hace mucho pasamos una noche juntos. Pero ya está, te aprecio mucho, me caes genial, eres un tipo educado, simpático y muy considerado siempre pero vamos a ser sinceros. No quiero volver a tener nada contigo… ni con nadie ¿entiendes? Sonreí amistoso. Amo a Brian y no se volverá a repetir.

- understand "I can I be honest? I looked.

- Since then, of course ...

- ; Thanks Justin, I feel something for you, I like you, you're amazing. I can not help wanting you ... and not only that, your smile, your eyes and well, you know it, smiled and did not kill you ... that was missing.

turned away at a safe distance a couple of hours but when the exposure began and started drinking with the people in between and Brian nearly hid behind that almost did not notice ... “casi” y estuvo toda la noche sobándome, rozándose sin querer.


Yo anduve demasiado ocupado con tanta, tanta gente… menos Brian, había ratos que apenas lo veía… lo buscaba con la mirada y no lo veía. Supongo que el verme solo hacía que Tom se creciera y me lo hizo pasar algo más que mal. Pero aún estoy sorprendido de la capacidad de aguante de Brian, de su saber estar… aunque hubo tres o cuatro veces en que le hubiera grateful that I let go of his hand, the question is ...

Brian Why was not my side?

Where the hell was not to see him?

Why not tell me that someone had informed de Tom en la galería ese día?


¿Quién es la estúpida que osó decirle a Brian que Tom estaba muy cariñoso conmigo? Pienso encontrarla y obrar en consecuencia, la quiero fuera de allí…¡fuera!


Pese a todo estoy orgulloso de Brian, es con mucho el hombre más inteligente y con más class I've seen in my life. Although, if I am to be honest, at some point I had not imported Brian hooked him dying of jealousy ... it would have deserved is a fucking octopus!

Tomorrow's all over until my return, then I'll worry about the next show ... if any.