Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wedding Wording For Deceased Family


I know I will die. You may walk, to succeed, which I got involved with influential people and even pretend I wanted other men already. But what will walk my body, the physical part of Justin fucking Taylor Kinney ... My spirit, my soul, my life, all that longing and that I feel is vital to be sleeping in the old Pittsburg . My soul will go off to remind each and every time I stopped on the way ...

A birthday My husband, one that will alone. That flu that left him with thirty-nine of fever and two kilos less. A Father's Day with Gus. That megacuenta that ended with a bash that left him two days knackered. His first gray hair. The horrific day of jealousy you have to bear when exposed to Tom and he is not. Every bad time to be borne without me being at your side to take in my arms and comfort, ease their pain, pamper your heart.

I've always been bad, I've always needed to be with him and I think that long ago that I regretted having left his side. But it's late and I can not go back and I want beside me, inside me, in my neck whispering his love and can not bear the anxiety and I know I want to scream, I scream crazy please do not ask me again to NY to not take it, I'm weaker than you think.

a while ago while he was on his computer I've gone for a walk. I've gone so far as I could -taking into account is the tiny island and turning on me there was no one ... and let my voice come out angry, to say things that I will not say never. "No, I will not go, do not want, I can not, I can not, I will not paint, take me, oblígame not leave me again, I'm dying of fear, fear of having you stop , fear of re-up every morning weary of my solitude and embarrassed you are forced to live a lifelong loneliness. "

I know that to succeed Brian has left everything on the road. I know I gave everything for me, changed his life, he gave a way never thought I haríay now when I heard say he does not want me to go, I want at his side, he loves me more than quisera, which held the desire to ask me everything and I let him go with him ... I feel I have lost strength.

I did not think I never would say, or do not feel so deep ... I swear I do not know what I thought. But the other night turned his soul into my being as I had never done, since I'm in NY not ever let me feel your pain. I felt, I came to corazóny, though it was I who was bleeding, in the end, the couple of days ... I'm desperate, I need to get back out and shout, to go crazy with my eyes swollen without é ; l noticing. Yes, I know I'm a fucking dyke, a dramma-queen, but I want someone to tell me when to let me regain that on the road while I become a famous painter.

not remember the times I had asked in marriage, I really only remember one, the first. I never realized how much he affected my rejection, but at that moment I could not let him fall into a first thought then repent. No change in one day, one does not give you back your soul in time ... I knew que me quería y sin embargo también sabía que necesitaba follar a otros tíos. Cerré los ojos a tantas cosas que eran secundarias por más daño que me hicieran… por que estaban en su naturaleza. Formaban parte de él. Eran él. Eran contrarias al compromiso del matrimonio.


Pero me equivoqué, no cambió en horas… ya había cambiado. Ya era otro y sólo necesitó que algo lo push. A bomb. And let him out of my apartment with a pain that would not disappear from your soul, I did go with my negative ... also why would scream.

speak, we pour our soul the other night, but I know that I'll never spend a day in the Great City without dying a little every minute that I'll leave it alone. Because I know that he dies every minute that passes without me ...

I think I'm going to walk again, I grow my soul in your throat, pour my tears into the sea, and when he returns, smiling. I can not I make him suffer, and suffer every day from a distance ... with my hundred miles.


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