Saturday, March 21, 2009

มกราคม 2010


Well, I should say that yesterday was a wonderful day and all that they say. But no, I'd be lying, yesterday was one of those very long hours of work in you know you are going to look very closely, in which you play it all in a while, the work of months locked up in minutes.

But that was not the worst, I have days locked up in the gallery, is what happens when you leave a month to Europe about to expose. Days almost without seeing Brian, days without sleep, without rest for a minute and just on the last day, at the worst time when I feel more nervous and more focused need appears to be ... Tom.

And appears ten minutes there! Appears at ten o'clock to see the owner of the galeríay offered to help me what I want, making eyes with a sweet smile. Lo cierto es que seguí con lo mío, tenía demasiado trabajo para estar pendiente de él. Pero en cuanto había un motivo por el que sin querer se pudiera rozar ¡zas! Ahí estaba su culo, su cadera o su mano… seguida de una disculpa si era muy evidente.


Si, es cierto, no le importaba ayudarme a lo que fuera mientras me atosigaba a preguntas del tipo… “¿Qué tal la boda?    ¿Cómo is that you get married? you ought to be awesome! Do you got married ...? How was Europe? Do you know Justin? a man like you do not need to marry for a ride to Europe ... "to what at one point I had to respond. I went to eat and of course invite me ... Oh my God! They took the opportunity to say yes, I married, I was crazy for Brian, you do not, no home to go to Paris or Rome. But although I had loved had married just like my husband. He grinned at me polite and understanding and very innocently (and shit) said:

- is clear ... How long have you been together?

- Just over six years, I satisfied.

- Go! Three months ago, so loved ... said of resignation, resignation fake face. Like today and tomorrow ... no matter what I would love the same, I guess.

- Tom, dije, sabes lo bien que me caes, sé que eres buena persona pero no hagas eso ¿Vale? Para ahí. Me levanté y volví al trabajo.


Hubo algo muy extraño, Brian, quiero decir que no llamó en todo el día. Nada, ni una sola llamada.   Pero estaba tan atareado que pensé en llamarlo al acabar y seguí. Lo que no supe es que me había llamado cuatro veces y a alguien se le olvidó to tell me.

At one point I slipped a hand table, the table wobbled and "some mysterious place," appeared " my savior "or Tom. I grabbed her under the arms and took a very strong side of the picture, hung it and at one point came to my account, that's it ... we are here ... I thought ;.


-         Escucha, sé que no hace mucho pasamos una noche juntos. Pero ya está, te aprecio mucho, me caes genial, eres un tipo educado, simpático y muy considerado siempre pero vamos a ser sinceros. No quiero volver a tener nada contigo… ni con nadie ¿entiendes? Sonreí amistoso. Amo a Brian y no se volverá a repetir.

- understand "I can I be honest? I looked.

- Since then, of course ...

- ; Thanks Justin, I feel something for you, I like you, you're amazing. I can not help wanting you ... and not only that, your smile, your eyes and well, you know it, smiled and did not kill you ... that was missing.

turned away at a safe distance a couple of hours but when the exposure began and started drinking with the people in between and Brian nearly hid behind that almost did not notice ... “casi” y estuvo toda la noche sobándome, rozándose sin querer.


Yo anduve demasiado ocupado con tanta, tanta gente… menos Brian, había ratos que apenas lo veía… lo buscaba con la mirada y no lo veía. Supongo que el verme solo hacía que Tom se creciera y me lo hizo pasar algo más que mal. Pero aún estoy sorprendido de la capacidad de aguante de Brian, de su saber estar… aunque hubo tres o cuatro veces en que le hubiera grateful that I let go of his hand, the question is ...

Brian Why was not my side?

Where the hell was not to see him?

Why not tell me that someone had informed de Tom en la galería ese día?


¿Quién es la estúpida que osó decirle a Brian que Tom estaba muy cariñoso conmigo? Pienso encontrarla y obrar en consecuencia, la quiero fuera de allí…¡fuera!


Pese a todo estoy orgulloso de Brian, es con mucho el hombre más inteligente y con más class I've seen in my life. Although, if I am to be honest, at some point I had not imported Brian hooked him dying of jealousy ... it would have deserved is a fucking octopus!

Tomorrow's all over until my return, then I'll worry about the next show ... if any.


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