Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Six Million Dollar Man

say good things come to end soon, I say prontísimo. Daph Two days have passed in the blink of an eye, but of course, how well we've had and the confidence that we have released.

It was like old times, when I see it, pase el tiempo que pase siempre parece que la haya visto ayer y que la distancia no sea capaz de minar ni mermar nuestra relación. Y es cierto, no es capaz.  


El domingo por   la noche la pasamos en vela, apenas dormimos, fue una noche dedicada a contarnos aquello de nuestra vida que no fuimos capaces de decirnos por teléfono. Y yo tenía más de un cotilleo de   esos que no se pueden decir   sin verse uno a la cara. Aunque necesité more than one joint and a Whisky to let go what I was going and at the end, I have been able to overcome.

has promised me that once again have some holidays are coming to see me again. I know he will, is a woman of her word and what the heck! We've had great.

When I accompanied yesterday morning Airport neither had slept, she would throw a guess you sleep on the plane. I went home and slept until lunchtime. Then with a smile on, finished the work that had begun.

But it is a simple smile is a smile ... she was pleased these days and as Brian said that this runs week will end the campaign and come. I did not start to jump and the hysterical, haha, but I think it should be normal at this point I can not wait to see my husband right?


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