Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spyware Doctor Licence


still do not know how I was able to tell. One thing is to write in my journal that I think sometimes, even madness, because I know que nadie lo va a saber y que es un simple desahogo. Pero ayer mientras hablábamos por Messenger yo me puse algo celoso ¡Joder, estaba celoso de una tía! Mierda debo de estar loco.



Lo cierto es que no lo estoy, ni es la primera vez que siento celos de Rose… Sí, es homosexual, pero las mujeres lo desean tanto como los hombres y lo devoran con los ojos. Desde que empezó con la cuenta de Prada apenas habló con él por Messenger o en la comunidad once a week and the phone ... well it's something different.

also fucked with a woman other for years How can you be so sure that luxury, class and elegance they will not blind at a time when you're alone and quite hot? Fortunately that is not reading this, thank goodness we can not read why I can not imagine what would happen.


Solo le pregunté pero se enfadó de verdad, mucho, claro que no se me ocurrió otra pregunta que “si era una mujer de verdad” y en realidad no era tal la pregunta, ya que sé que Brian es muy sincero. Para cuando quise esquivar la conversación   él estaba furioso y yo no podía callar sin más, Brian no aceptaba un simple silencio.


Me comparó my working relationship with Tom to his own with her and that hurt. I started remembering that I had fucked Tom and thus I thought what he was trying to tell me ... Could he be able to use this method again? He said no and I knew it was always sincere and yet my mind recalled other tempos and fuck I died of jealousy, in the end got angry and left.

As sound is gone. I wanted to shut me up, I asked him to stay and I apologized, tried to apologize to the truth and waited but did not return in a long time. When morning I woke up he was asleep on the couch and I know it hurt a lot to doubt his sexuality, he felt jealous of a woman and I feel that what we have been distant and I look different .

still not sure how far I have got angry or not, but I feel terrible. I know they have razóny my jealousy should be stupid and irrational and I thank you not know the things I thought.

But at this point does not know how much I regret those first words and how I would turn back to eat my own thoughts. I do not know I trust him, that all are thoughts, fears and insecurities, but nothing I care more than their word. It has always been sincere and I feel that this thought has brought all this ...

All for a woman I'm crazy fuck!


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