Sunday, April 26, 2009

Marilyn Monroe Hemorrhoids

fingers crossed

soporific Time passes slowly when you're away, especially if it is weekend and I do not want to mention if you pass the time in bed, sofa, bed, the couch. So I eventually picked up the phone and I've spent the afternoon talking to Daphne, I recognize that is a surefire way to smile, always has been.

But I have done something wrong, I told I'm wrong ... of course I promised you not to tell anyone. And I trust her, I know I will not tell.

course then I remembered things in diaa told Brian that he should not say. But this is different because today has given me his word and as Brian, not broken. Also, I need to talk to someone or I'll go crazy, since Brian is with this account strikes me half and never at the Messenger or ... In any fucking part! But I know that is crazy about me and loves me and that what goes wrong. It's just that sometimes I miss and I can not do anything ... I knew this pasarĂ­ay on returning back to the real world you would work overwhelmed one to season. Although no account if Prada is a burden for him, it is for me and remember how happy he is every time I'm talking about it Jealousy? Ja! No, I can be jealous of an account ... I'm going crazy, but at this distance that does not seem so strange.

I think it is well of acting like a dyke would say Brian, I'm going to dinner, something has to stay! While rummaging through the nothing to reign in the fridge today fingers crossed for me to call at least should be, today is Sunday.


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