Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Techdech Live Games.com


Yesterday I had lunch with Patrick and Tom brought to lunch. He thought it would use to talk about the upcoming exhibition with him so this lunch really was three.

Not that I'm mad at Tom and Patrick be with you at all he has done and thought it would be , for the better. In both cases they have. Although in reality must be acknowledged that Tom very elegant wine, wearing a ... an Armani an Armani! not remember seeing him dress like jamásy, frankly, after seeing Brian wearing one with   bastante asiduidad no me dice nada.


Pero he de reconocer que es bastante atractivo y que vestido de Armani aún mejora… que el pobre se esmera. Pero joder es que mi marido no es alguien con quien medirse sexualmente ni físicamente, Brian es un ser especial, es el hombre más bello que he visto en mi vida, es un ser perfecto, es un amante insaciable capaz de hacerte enloquecer y seguir sin descanso. Y por supuesto, nadie, nadie de   este mundo sea quien sea es capaz de ponerse un Armani y pasear con él just like that ... as does Brian seems born with a set screw!

Yes, I have to admit that Tom has come to gigs and more that intention but behaved like a gentleman and I touched even once. There a conversation in which he spoke of the gallery setting out, state the date and what maso least expected to do. But did remain a ... gentleman? Something .

This morning I called after talking to Patrick about future exhibitions, I said that before signing the statement and to reach more agreements Ely I had to talk. has acquiesced and we stayed in the gallery where I was, I had really wanted to get him alone but needed to set the tone.

made me into the office and offered me a drink that I have not accepted ... I did not want. I have explained the conditions, only exposure if he is able to behave. Nothing hands where it should, no occasional friction, nothing to try something that will not happen, none of these every day trying to convince me of anything.

He has tried, has approached, has caressed my hair and I me angry I woke up and I told him that if what wanted to fuck him that does not ever happen again. I love my husband, I will not put my relationship in danger and if you are approached in a way that should not be terminated the contract and I want it in writing. "Find a way to include in the contract" I said.

then turned away and told me he would do nothing that would not, he respects me, loves me and wants me ... but nothing will happen to me do not want. I've replicated a "Tom, will not want to understand?" And I accepted the fact he smiled and told me I can always change at any moment but he will not do anything bother me or put me in a bind.

"Let me keep at least hope"

"Sorry Tom, but I will not sleep with you and I'm in love. Only if you're going to respect my private life will show. "

" Justin know how I feel but will respect any decision you make. "

That would be a good summary of what is past, it has been longer than I thought, he recalled, has tried to make me feel something, has come a bit but I think that you understand and I'm glad, because I think seriously not a bad guy ... that's something only love.

not stop thinking about Brian, poor, with the time that it will have been eaten demonios, aunque después al hablar conmigo no se lo deje notar, pero sé que es así.


Todo vuelve a la normalidad y aunque parece mentira puedo soportar este sufrimiento. Pero cuando se me hace tan grande que siento que me quiero dormir y no sentir más, cuando mi corazón llora o estoy en ese punto en que voy a meter todo en mi bolsa y salir a Pittsburg en su busca,   entonces lo llamo y no le digo nada, respiro hondo y hablo con él… dejo que me de una frase con la que seguir hasta the next call.

bad thing is that I have called and you can not put ... is in session and I need to talk to him ... he really need ...

Love hurts sometimes both.


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